Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Trouble With Blacks

“I’m not a racist, but…”
It is how most conversations with a Londoner start when discussing the prevailing ethnic—and specifically black—issue. Make no mistake, an issue it is, as the recent rioting across Britain proves. Look at the areas affected. Look at the instigators. Look at the feral aggression. Look at the jewelry, the designer goods, the cell-phone and sneaker stores looted. Look at the faces of those arrested. I think the demographic—in spite of reflexive attempts by broadcasters and the liberal left to play it down—is pretty clear. The majority of thugs out on the street are black. Quelle surprise. Oh yes, there will be the platitudes and excuses, the talk of poverty and deprivation and disenchantment and social exclusion. As one rioter put it: “We is protestin’ by thievin’.” And it is all utter bullshit. Yet you will never find a politician or self-appointed community leader with the balls and bottle to say it as it is, to break the taboo, to speak it out aloud. So let me spell it out for everyone — THE BLACKS HAVE A PROBLEM.

Only they would tell you that raw criminality is somehow a political act of defiance. Only they could shift the cause for their pillaging and arson to the system that apparently invites it—after all, a department store can seem so bright and shiny and provoking. Sure, many Afro-Caribbean citizens are law-abiding, but many also—including a vast percentage of young black males—are not. Check the statistics. Indeed, blacks carry out the majority of London street crime and two-thirds of firearms offenses. And the excuses come thick and fast.

Few play the blame game or point-the-finger exercise quite so avidly as the black community. Few have evolved such an advanced culture of victimhood from which their overdeveloped sense of grievance and entitlement has grown. They have the same education and opportunity as anyone else, but—oh no—they are special, are downtrodden, are misunderstood. We must atone and respect (or “respek”) them because they exist. Because of their gangsta rap. Because their young men wear hoods or carry knives or manage to walk in a menacing pimp roll. Funny, I always thought respect had to be earned. How white, outmoded, and middle-class of me.

Pervading all is the attitude that it is not their fault and never ever their responsibility. Should a young black be excluded from school, it is not because he is lazy, disruptive, or stupid, but because the education system is against him. Should the police stop him, it is not because he acts suspiciously or his kind commits most robberies, but because the police are inherently racist. Should he fail to gain a job, it is absolutely the employer’s fault and not because the applicant was sullen, lippy, and barely house-trained. So it goes on. And on and on. Complaint rather than effort and attainment has become the cultural norm. The liberal apologists are ever there to explain away and facilitate the mindset. Just like Muslims who will not accept jihadi extremists draw on the Islamic faith or environmentalists who cannot admit population growth is a key root of global warming, so few in the black community—even when the evidence is plain, even when the police run Operation Trident directly to tackle black gun crime—will put up their hands and say with honesty: “We have a problem and it is our own fault and our responsibility.”

To utter such words would be construed as heresy, would be to stray from the adopted liberal-left consensus that every ill, every crime, every mishap within the black community is due to slavery and oppression by the whites. No matter slavery in Britain was abolished in 1833—we must still suffer the rage and allow plasma-screen televisions and top-of-the-range footwear to be looted from a burning store.

Welfare has institutionalized the belief in something-for-nothing, the attitude that the state will provide and pick up the pieces, the bill, and the broken glass and replace work and absent fathers with ready cash and immediate housing. No point in parenting when someone else will do it for you. It is fine to smash a shop front when insurance or the taxpayer will help the owners restock. It is fine to ruin a livelihood when you have no concept of earning. It is fine to take something that is not yours when it is on display and your gut and jungle logic tells you to possess it. This is what the sixty-year experiment in state handouts has achieved. The work is available if the indigenous black population seeks it. Indeed, Britain brings in tens of thousands of Gambians and Ghanaians and other migrants to staff hospitals and care homes and fill a “labor shortage” that does not exist. In accepting that Afro-Caribbeans have not needed to work, we have entrenched them in their postcode gangs and their ghetto. Softly, softly, the police and social services have gone. Regard the situation.

Education used to be the way up and the way out. No more. A generation of blacks feels no need, does not see the point, has no fathers or family to kick their backsides and tell them to strive. After all, it is so much easier to smoke ganja, to shoplift, to snatch a purse or bag, to hold a knife to a throat and rape a “bitch.” If all they are told is that they are the victims, the Earth’s rightful inheritors, and that cash can be generated without much effort, then they will follow their peers and the path of least resistance. The young offender institutions are full of them. Certainly there are doctors and lawyers and accountants in the black community, but they are few and scattered, and their middle class lacks depth and robustness. The knock-on is lack of aspiration.

What is left is a misplaced emphasis on street culture and the Afro-Caribbean way. Forgive me, but if what I had brought to British life was goat curry, carnival floats, crack cocaine, violence, and hip-hop, I would not be that proud. There are good people out there, people who strive and struggle and do their best. But they are undermined by both white and black apologists, by acceptance of indiscipline and of felony as occupational right, by a conspiracy of silence that prevents open debate. I have not heard a single BBC reporter say the word “black.” The situation would be absurd were it not so serious and the problems so deep.

The black American comedian Chris Rock once declared: “On one side, there’s black people. On the other, you’ve got niggers. The niggers have got to go. I love black people, but I hate niggers.” If the Afro-Caribbeans in London do not themselves confront and address the embedded flaws in their outlook and society, such things will be said with hatred and not laughter.

As for future riots—and they will come—the political class will continue to talk soothingly of “British” policing when all we really require is effective policing. Personally, I did not vote to allow London to become Jamaica’s brutal cockpit. I will thus be leaving my front door wide open and scattering a trail of glittering objects and designer wares to entice the raiders to my home. And I will be waiting for them. Then we can play.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

School-leavers fully prepared for unemployment, says Education Department

The national Department of Education has hailed as a “runaway success” more than a decade of outcomes-based education, theoretical cul-de-sacs, wholesale cooking of results and being held hostage by robber-barons posing as teachers’ unions, saying that school-leavers are finally being adequately prepared for a lifetime of unemployment.

This morning Suxtobiyu Khumalo, head of the department’s Committee for Planning Potential Education Outcomes That Result Potentially from Planning By Committee, said that South Africa could now consider itself a world leader in providing school-leavers with the critical lack of non-skills they needed to be competitively uncompetitive in today’s over-saturated unemployment market.

“Like the academically disinclined 22-year-old in Matric, our motto is: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” said Khumalo. “You know, like the national education policy for the last five years: do the same thing every year and hope for exponentially improving results, and when those don’t happen, do the same thing again, except this time make disappointed comments in the Sunday newspapers before you get redeployed as Deputy Minister of Forestry.”

According to Khumalo, the Committee’s research had concluded that traditional education was too focussed on equipping students for productive, professional careers.

“Everybody knows that unemployment is a growth industry at the moment, and if you’re going to get in on the ground floor – or in the gutter, where many of our finest graduates now find themselves – you’ve got to plan accordingly.”

He said that as a result, most schoolchildren in South Africa were now placed in “post-school simulation scenario role-play simulations – did I already say ‘simulation’?”

“We provide a totally realistic model of their careers as unemployed people,” he explained. “They sit in dark, overcrowded rooms, and are sporadically shouted at, ordered around or molested by people in leadership positions.”

He said many graduates had written to him, often in soot scribbled on UIF forms, thanking him for preparing them for the realities of modern South Africa.

“At least I think they were thanking me,” he said. “Or maybe they were asking for medical attention and emergency rations. That’s the great thing about Outcomes-based Education: you can totally make up your own mind about stuff.”


Malema: I just wanted to feel what it was like to be white

The ANC Youth League says that weekend revelations about Julius Malema’s trust fund were not a surprise to them and that they shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone else. “Julius lives according to an ancient Pedi custom which says you shouldn’t judge a man until you have strolled a stretch in his sandals,” said spokesperson Fistful Mdala. “He is just trying to experience what it is like to be white.”

Mdala added that aside from the trust fund, Malema had also acquired a farm so that he could research the pros and cons of land grabs from both sides.

“It might look bad now,” said Mdala, “But this way when Julius puts his arm around the shoulders of a farmer who has just had his land seized by a 20 year old war veteran, and tells him that he knows how it feels, he really will know.”

Mdala said that aside from the trust fund and the farm, Malema had been exploring several other white tendencies that the paper had failed to report.
“Julius also has a maid called Gladys who comes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He hangs out at organic markets on Saturday’s, watches rugby and wears veldskoens. ”

He added that Malema had toyed with the idea of living in a squat in Wimbledon for a while to ensure that he got the complete ‘white experience’ but that in the end he had not been that desperate to get the full experience.
When it was explained that having the Trust Fund was not the issue – that it was rather a case of where the money came from – Mdala said, “Exactly!”

He added, “We have no issue with the privately educated white youth, who take gap years between their gap years instead of calling themselves unemployed and similarly nobody should take issue with future President Malema for being similarly comfortable.

“The problem is with the dads and granddads, who exploited the poor black masses to make their fortunes.”
He said that in this regard the Youth League were delighted that Malema had mimicked the white experience perfectly.
Meanwhile asked to offer an adult opinion on the matter the ANC said that trust funds were standard procedure for high ranking members who were not elected. “It’s why we like being in an alliance with the SACP and COSATU,” said spokesperson Luscious Mpundu.
“For each position one of them fills, there’s another one of us in the queue at Capitec waiting to open a family trust.”

He said it was common knowledge within the ANC that it was far more profitable to operate from an unelected position.
“What good is influence and populist rhetoric if you don’t back it up with a trust fund?” he asked.
