The ANC has branched out of politics and decided to venture into the world of fashion with the launch of a new leather jacket range that are available through their website

In styles ranging from the "President No.1", which President Jacob Zuma wore to his electoral victory party to the ultra-hip little-indie-drummer-boy, there seems to be a look for everyone. And of course almost 'glow-in-the-dark' green, yellow and black palette gives them the added bonus of helping to improve pedestrian road safety while looking "cool" supporting the ANC. And The Ugly Shall Govern

The Zuma = Also called The President No.1: Just to be clear - this is for those top top type guys.
The Motlanthe = If you have no fame and fortune, but plenty of other talents to offer - then this one is for you.
The Madiba = Lekker nice leather jacket that looks like a shirt. Now you too can look Madiba larney.
The Malema = For those Polish gangster ouks who like to talk big and look mean while sipping champagne.
The Stofile = The Reverend look. Could also double as seksy S&M gear. Fun times.
The Ndizamande = Look smart, feel smart.
The Mbete = For those who want to lime their pockets.

Get yours here.

19 designs to chose from. Priced between R1,620 and R1,944.

Above - stand-out jacket looks like a school blazer, in black leather. Just like prefect blazers with green and yellow edging.

Above - luminous lime green jacket promises to make a statement for the nation,

Above - yellow jacket puts the sunny in sunny South Africa.
All jackets have the ANC emblem.


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