Friday, May 22, 2009

ANC's secret land transfer

1000 hectares of prime land transferred from Western Cape to national govt on April 21

Oude Molen Eco Village planned for a mass housing project

WESTERN Cape premier Helen Zille said it had come to the attention of the new provincial cabinet that the former ANC controlled administration under Premier Lynne Brown had transferred more than 1 000 hectares of land worth about half a billion rand to the national government - free of charge - a day before the April 22 election.

“The land was transferred without informing the public or the City of Cape Town (as required by the original Cabinet resolution to transfer the land),” alleged Zille.

Most of the land falls within the City of Cape Town Metro region. It includes land in Constantia, Oude Molen and Southfield.

The land, worth about R500m, is large enough to accommodate nearly 100 000 houses and thought to be one of the province's biggest assets.

DA finds ANC skeletons

Expensive Cuban cigars found in a former minister's office, people who were paid up to R100 000 a month to "do nothing", and unapproved expenses, these are some of the latest scandals threatening the ANC after the DA took over the provincial government in the Western Cape.

Western Cape Premier Helen Zille caused a political furore on Friday when she revealed the ANC's secret land transfer.

Meanwhile, Rapport learned that several new ministers in the Western Cape are investigating suspect transactions in their departments.

"The list is becoming longer. Things are becoming worse for the ANC in the Western Cape," an informed source told Rapport.

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