Mugabe, Mswati oppressors!

Mugabe, like Swaziland's King Mswati, has crushed all ideals of democracy and freedom, is starving his own people and is married to this doctrine of violations with impunity. Both are just as despotic and corrupt.

If Mswati is not welcome at Zuma inauguration, Mugabe, who has committed similar crimes against humanity, must 'GO HOME' he is not welcome here.

Mugabe's and Mswati's authoritarian actions bear striking similarities, both:-

1. Imprisoned the opposition leader under inhumane conditions including the
denial of adequate medical care.
2. Ordered violent crackdowns on pro-democracy and trade union activists.
The outcome of these violent crackdowns is often terrifying as people are
murdered and scores of others are severely injured - some have sustained
permanent disabilities as a result.
3. Ordered mass eviction of rural residents from their homes
4. Introduced draconian laws banning and restricting the press
5. Interfered with the judiciary in an attempt to use it as a
repressive political instrument
6. Maintained the ban on political parties and participation in
national politics
7. Failed to adhere to international principles of human rights and
8. Maintained his stranglehold on political power by continuing to
rule by decree
9. Militate against free and fair elections, with political parties officially banned in Swaziland, and the Zimbabwean people forced to make choices within ZANUPF-set frameworks.

Despite this frightening record of human rights abuse, Mugabe continues to enjoy diplomatic relationships with South Africa. The Zuma Government must severe all political, economic, political and cultural ties with Mugabe.

Critics say SA has damaged its image by taking a soft line on Mugabe and countries such as Sudan and Myanmar. Critics also accused the government of caving into pressure from China by refusing the Dalai Lama a visa to attend a peace conference in March which was widely condemned...
see here - 'Put human rights first'

Zuma inauguration: 'King Mswati not welcome'

Swaziland's King Mswati III is not welcome at Jacob Zuma's inauguration because he "knows no democracy", the SACP said on Thursday.

"The SACP wishes to express its strong displeasure at the presence of King Mswati at a ceremony that in many ways is also a celebration of democracy that he has denied his people," said SA Communist Party spokesperson Malesela Maleka in a statement.

It called on the Southern African Development Community and the government to put "serious pressure" on Mswati to introduce democracy in Swaziland.

While Mswati enjoyed the festivities associated with SA's democratic advances, his nation suffered hunger and poverty.

"Mswati's dynasty" wasted millions of rands on lavish birthday parties, luxury vehicles and personal shopping sprees, while the majority of his people had no access to basic services and were being ravaged by HIV and Aids. (sounds like Mad Bob's government)

The SACP charged that Mswati was responsible for detention of Peoples' United Democratic Movement president Mario Masuku and had refused him visits by human rights groups.

"The regime has stepped up its undemocratic practices when they also detained the president and the secretary general of Swayoco [Swaziland Youth Congress].

"The man who is at the helm of these human rights abuses deserves no seat at our most revered celebration this Saturday."

The SACP said it supported the Swaziland Solidarity Network's call for workers to refuse to help Mswati "should he defy logic" and attend the inauguration on Saturday.

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