J.R. Colson
'Is South Africa doomed to follow the rest of Africa into oblivion?' The tragic fact of business is that ordinary Africans were better off under colonial -- i.e. White -- rule.South Africa and Zimbabwe hold powerful racial lessons for all Europeans. Even though both countries are mostly-Black, they used to be run by Whites.
In fact, quite a few areas in Africa were controlled by Whites at one time or another, due to British or French rule by colonization of various parts of the world, back when those White countries had vast "empires."
Britain had colonized such African countries as Botswana, Rhodesia, Zambia, Gambia, Kenya, Mauritius, etc. The French colonized Chad, Niger, Senegal, Guinea, and so forth. Other formerly White-ruled/controlled countries in Africa include the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika [later called Tanzania], Uganda, Malawi, and Swaziland. All of those countries are now in Black hands, and all of them are now physical toilets.
When Whites were in control of those Black-majority countries, those countries were successful, even if some of those states lacked certain resources. But as soon as Whites stopped ruling those countries, they quickly became hellholes of poverty, crime and disease.
In fact, even non-African Black countries share that above racial feature: consider the Black, Caribbean country called Haiti. Haiti was built up by Whites -- the French -- back when it was called "Saint Domingue"; then, that country became "the Republic of Haiti," and after that just plain "Haiti." American military personnel were in Haiti for 19 years, to aid that country, up until 1934. But as soon as the Whites left, Haiti plunged into a cultural sewer, where it remains today.
But regardless of the country in question, the pattern is always the same: Whites build up, Blacks tear down. Over and over again. Without fail.
Whites themselves cut their own throats in South Africa in Dec. 1993, when the South African Parliament voted in a new constitution, giving "equal rights" to all Blacks, and ending apartheid - White rule over Blacks. The former White leader of South Africa, F. W. de Klerk, also helpfully aided the collective mass suicide of Whites when he lifted the 30-year ban on Black revolutionary groups like the African National Congress.
South Africa's Black hero/leader, Nelson Mandela, whom the global media praised as the second coming of Ghandi, or of Martin Luther King, Jr., was actually a convicted terrorist, jailed in 1964 for conspiracy to commit terrorist acts, to which he pled guilty. Mandela was the leader of the Marxist ANC -- African National Congress; he once wrote a pamphlet titled "How To Be A Good Communist," which was used as evidence in his criminal trial.
Later, during his prison term, the Whites offered to free Mandela if he would recant violence, and his Marxist beliefs. He refused.
Mandela -- again, a former Communist -- later received the Nobel Peace Prize, shared jointly with F. W. de Klerk. Amazingly, few people complained about Mandela getting such an award.
Also of interest concerning Nelson Mandela is his wife, Winnie. She was caught on videotape endorsing the terrorist tactic of "necklacing"; she was also suspected of murdering -- stabbing -- a young Black, and was later convicted in 1991 -- but not of murder, only of kidnapping and assault; her bodyguard was charged with that murder. Despite this conviction, Winnie Mandela later became the head of the ANC Women's League.
Rhodesia's -- now called Zimbabwe -- situation is similar to South Africa's. It was a British colony, named after Cecil Rhodes, and was a White, anti-Communist state until its takeover by Black Communist leader Robert Mugabe in February 1980. This takeover by Mugabe occurred partly due to U.N.-imposed sanctions on Rhodesia simply because Rhodesia was too White for the tastes of that global organization.
We must hope that all Whites will learn a lesson from this so-obvious racial pattern above. Blacks have proven themselves to be incapable of running a successful country anywhere on Earth -- even after Whites do most of the leg-work on infrastructure and agriculture prior to a Black government.
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