MCE Finalist Press conference report

Miss China Europe Pageant 2008 Press Conference
On 11th October, a press conference for Miss China Europe Pageant 2008 was held at Novotel Amsterdam. It was announced that 12 contestants are chosen for the final competition to be held on 1st December in The Netherlands.
During the press conference, except for one British contestant’s absence, another 11 contestants from different European countries all presented in graceful chi-pao, traditional Chinese-style dresses. As introduced by the organizer of this event, the organizing committee has received over 1 hundred applications all over Europe since started. With auditions, pre-selections and local finals in United Kingdom, France, Germany the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, 12 beauties are selected for the final in coming December. Most of the contestants are students studying various majors at university, aged from 18 to 24 years old. During these different matches, all contestants have been well-trained on their performing, social and personal skills. Moreover, they have gained much more knowledge in Chinese culture and traditions and became good friends with each other.
During our interviews with different contestants, we realized that they decided to participate in Miss China Europe Pageant with various but meaningful motivations. Contestant No.10, Maresa Roquas, is of Chinese extraction. She comes from The Netherlands and shows great interests in learning more about Chinese culture and history. She decided to take this challenge, mainly because of her willingness in seeking her Chinese-root. Contestant No.2, Nancy Tran from Paris told us that she was quite excited about being one of the finalists. She has learnt to present herself more elegantly as well as more confidently. It is definitely the most unforgettable memory in her life. While Melissa Yap, contestant No.6 also from the Netherlands, she has much ambition in drawing the attention of mass media and the public. By doing so, she hopes to help promoting the charity and helping the disadvantaged groups in a more efficient and positive way. All contestants have various dreams to pursue, by participating in Miss China Europe Pageant, they also look for shouldering the responsibilities of promoting Chinese culture to Europe and to the world.
‘This pageant is definitely a challenge but more importantly, it is a valuable opportunity.’ Ms. Chiwah Chow, the general manager of the organizing committee described so. The champion of Miss China Europe Pageant 2008 will represent Europe and participate in the annual Miss Chinese International Pageant that is held in Hong Kong, organized by TVB. Oceane Zhu was last year’s champion and she has received both titles of Miss China Europe 2007 and Miss China International 2008. She has already signed a working contract with TVB, which sets a very good example for other contestants. Ms.Chow also told us that the organizing committee will try their very best to make this year’s final show as exciting and creative as possible. They have invited a famous Dutch fashion designer Sheguang Hu to take in charge of all the contestants at the final show. In the meantime, they also invited a famous TVB star Kevin Cheng and Yoyo Mung to present as a special guest at the final. With the support of TVB-S Europe, the final show of the Miss China Europe Pageant 2008 will be transmitted to 48 European countries.She invites all to keep paying close attention to the coming Final of Miss China Europe on 1st December!


12月1日,在2008年度歐洲華裔小姐預賽中獲得決賽資格的12名佳麗,將在荷蘭舉行的總決賽中逐鹿歐華小姐桂冠。這是記者10月11日在 “2008年度歐洲華裔小姐總決賽新聞發佈會”上獲取的資訊。在阿姆斯特丹Novotel酒店舉行這個發佈會上,來自英國、法國、德國、義大利、荷比盧賽區的12名進入決賽的佳麗,除一名來自英國的選手因故缺席外,均逐一亮相,與媒體見面。
有著1/8中國血統的瑪麗莎(Maresa Roquas)來自荷蘭,儘管她已經沒有傳統中國人的面孔,但她的內心卻有著想要深入瞭解中國人文、歷史的強烈願望和情懷。她表示,從初賽到復賽一路走來,自己成長了、進步了,遇見了許多新鮮的人和事,自己的能力也得到了很大的鍛煉和提高。她興奮地告訴記者,在決賽當晚的個人才藝展示環節,她打算表演一段極富中國韻味的舞蹈,為此她會在比賽前加緊訓練,力圖展現給觀眾一個最好的自己。
陳善芝(Nancy Tran)來自法國巴黎。她說,學會更自信更優雅地展示自己,是參加比賽以來最大的收穫;而結交了一群美麗快樂的好朋友,更是一份難忘而珍貴的回憶。能進入到最後的決賽,她既感激又興奮。“年輕,就沒有什麼是不可以的”。她為自己的能力得到肯定而自豪,也期待著自己能在決賽中有更好的表現,最終登上領獎臺。金芳(Melissa Yap)12位佳麗中最年輕的選手。來自荷蘭的她目前在大學學習法律。對於進入決賽,她除了欣喜和激動,同樣渴望在比賽中有不凡的表現。她表示,希望透過選美,贏得傳媒及社會的關注。在大眾的關注下,能為宣傳慈善事業,關注弱勢群體貢獻出自己的一份努力,這是她參加選美的最大動力……進入決賽的選手們都有著各自斑斕的人生夢想和平凡而感人的故事,她們都執著於自己美好的追求,希望通過參與這樣的賽事肩負起傳揚中國文化的使命。
據主辦方介紹,組委會將會在11月末對進入決賽的12名佳麗進行最後訓練,以協助她們在決賽中將自己最好最精彩的一面呈現給觀眾。此外,大賽有幸邀請到在荷蘭著名設計師Sheguang Hu擔綱設計,他曾為歐洲華裔小姐2006屆的比賽以及2008年奧林匹克運動會擔任過服裝設計。決賽當晚,將依照往屆比賽慣例,特別邀請到了香港TVB當紅電視演員及歌手Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎)和YoYo Mung(蒙嘉慧)擔任特別嘉賓。周芝華表示,組委會力求將每一年的決賽活動辦得比往屆更精彩、更具創意。她說,此屆佳麗們的綜合素質都很高,組委會將和佳麗們共同努力,力求在12月1日舉辦的歐洲華裔小姐決賽上,呈現給觀眾們一場精彩紛呈的表演和賽事。她也誠摯熱情地邀請全球觀眾朋友,一同來關注並見證2008年度歐洲華裔小姐優勝者的誕生! 如採用附件刊登的媒體必須注明出處:荷蘭華僑新天地供稿.

Miss China Europe Selection 2008 Press Conference

Thanks and credits to CRTV.NL

The profiles of the 12 finalists

01.郭美玲Lynn Guo (荷蘭 Netherland)

City: Amersfoort, the Netherlands
Age: 20
Length: 160cm
Weight: 47 kg
Measurements: 80-61-87
Occupation : Student (Life Sciences)
Hobbies: streetdance
Reason for participating:
Experience, Social developments, confident.
Want to learn during the pageant…Social developments, to present myself in an elegant way, to be more self confident.
Words from Lynn:Wow. So here I’m standing between the most beautiful girls gathered from Europe. I’m so indescribable happy and thankful. The past two months has been flying by in a flash and I can only think back at it with a smile. It was hardworking and stressful, but I enjoyed every bit. I’ve grown and learned so much. I’d like to thank everyone for making this possible for me and for supporting me always. Thank you!
= Lynn =

02. 陳善芝Nancy Tran (法國France)
City: Paris, France
Age: 23
Length: 160cm
Weight: 45 kg
Measurements: 75-58-89
Occupation: Student (Accounting and management)
Hobbies: volleyball, swimming, singing
Reason for participating:
I participate this pageant to learn more about China and to represent the Chinese beauty around the world.
Want to learn during the pageantI want to meet people from all countries, to have artistic experience, to improve my posture and I think this pageant can teach me a lot.
Words from Nancy:It is an honour to be able to represent the two cultures I have, the French and Chinese. Although I was born in Paris, my parents were come from Chaozhou, so I’ve learnt a lot of Chinese cultures and traditions from them, I can also speak in Teochew, live near Chinatown in Paris and grow up with Chinese channels. I think the mix of cultures is likely to lend us to be a better generation.
= Nancy =

03.唐雯洛Belinda Duong (英國United Kingdom)
City: London, England
Age: 20
Length: 165cm
Weight: 47 kg
Measurements: 71-58-89
Occupation: Student (Mathematics)
Hobbies: playing the piano
Reason for participating:
To participate in a new experience that is challenging and to meet many new friends.
Want to learn during the pageant…I want to build my self confidence during this pageant.
Words from Belinda:It has always been a passion of mine to become a modern British Chinese female icon. Determination and patience helps me along the way with taking the pageant. This experience has inspired me to believe I have the right attributes to become an ambassador for traditional Chinese values, utilising both my beauty and intelligence. I would like to thank my family and friends who have believed in me and given me their full support.
= Belinda =

04.郭翠玲Linh Quach (荷蘭Netherland)
City: Nieuwegein, the Netherlands
Age: 22
Length: 169cm
Weight: 54
Measurements: 87-65-87,5
Occupation: Student (Business Economics)
Hobbies: dancing, going to the movies
Reason for participating:
For a once in a lifetime experience, to meet different girls of the same culture.
Want to learn during the pageant…Learn more about the culture of China, to be more confident, to create a more elegant way of presenting myself.
Words from Linh:It’s an honour to be given the chance to compete in the Miss China Europe pageant. Since the beginning of this competition I have gained a lot of positive things, including new friendships. It’s a great experience so far and all the girls I’ve met are beautiful in every way, inside and out. I want to thank everyone for all the support and the confidence in me.
= Linh =

05.鄧璐琳Lu Lin Deng (法國France)
City: Paris, France
Age: 24
Length: 165cm
Weight: 46kg
Measurements: 85-60-88
Occupation: Student (Language- French )
Hobbies: film, sport, cook, dance, travel
Reason for participating:
The first reason is to get more self-confidence the second reason is that I want to meet some new friends
Want to learn during the pageant…How to be a miss learn how to be elegant. How to communicate to others.
Words from Lulin:A diamond needs to be shapened and fine-tuned for it to shine and to fully express its beauty and its value. The whole process leading up to the Miss China Europe Pageant FINAL has helped me to rediscover myself, my confidence, my elegance and my beauty. This has helped me to sparkle and present myself to the fullest, making this life time experience a valuable and unforgettable one.
= Lulin =

06.金芳Mellissa Yap (荷蘭Netherland)
City: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Age: 18
Length: 168cm
Weight: 47.5kg
Measurements: 77–64–86
Occupation: Student (Law)
Hobbies: playing piano, table tennis, modelling
Reason for participating:
I entered Miss China, because I love to experience new things, and I love taking new challenges such as this pageant. Furthermore, this was a very unique experience, which is a very good thing to learn from, and above all, I love to present myself to a larger group (I love to perform). I hope to do something good for society later on, but that’s something I still have to think of.
Want to learn during the pageant…I’d love to learn to present myself better on stage, making new friends, and of course to improve my English for my further career.
Words from Melissa:Competing is this pageant will not only help me to perform better on stage, but it has also given me the power to believe in myself, no matter what situation I’ll be in in the later future. Always thinking positive is another thing that the pageant has taught me so far, and I’ll hope I’ll benefit from all these things in my later career as a model, or as a performer.
= Melissa =

07.林玉春Julie Lam (德國Germany)
City: Tubingen, Germany
Age: 21
Length: 171 cm
Weight: 56kg
Measurements: 86-65-90
Occupation: Student (Pharmacist Technician)
Hobbies: travelling, fashion
Reason for participating:
Experience once in a lifetime.
Want to learn during the pageant…Commercial.
Words from Julie:Entering this pageant was a really nice opportunity to show everyone how proud I m actually am to be a Chinese in Europe. It’s a new experience, it was so much fun , I learned a lot and also its a once in a lifetime chance. Of course I feel very lucky and blessed to get a chance like this to enter this. So that’s why I want to thank everyone who made this all possible for me.
= Julie =

08.張安娜Anna Cheung (英國United Kingdom)
City: London, England
Age: 21
Length: 172 cm
Weight: 56kg
Measurements: 85-68-95.5
Occupation: Paralegal
Hobbies: playing piano
Reason for participating:
I wish to gain various experiences and insight into the entertainment industry.
Want to learn during the pageant…I wish to boost up my confidence, enhance my knowledge on different cultures from other contestants and develop my understanding of the Chinese Community.
Words from Anna:I feel extremely privileged as well as honoured to be able to represent UK in MCE. I wish to present my beauty and talents to assist in promoting our modern and traditional Chinese community. The experience and insight I gain in Holland will be a special and unforgettable memory. I shall strive to do my best for myself, my family and friends as well as for the UK.
= Anna =

09.唐榕昕Niki Tang (英國 United Kingdom)
City: London, England
Age: 23
Length: 168cm
Weight: 53cm
Measurements: -
Occupation: Student (International Accounting)
Hobbies: reading, music, tennis, badminton
Reason for participating:
I want to learn sth and increase experiences for my life ,expect to be an elegant Chinese lady.
Want to learn during the pageant…I want to learn how to present myself role model and bring out happiness to others by my smile. I could make a lot of good friends here and learn advantage from each of other girls.
Words from Niki:I know the miss china beauty pageant is not only to measure external beauty of our girls, it also focus on knowledge of our deep inside. Our competition is not fierce and war like, it is a great learning opportunity. I hope to maintain the goal in promoting Chinese culture and help to herald a new age of fusion between western ideals and eastern tradition.
= Niki =

10.瑪莉莎Maresa Raquas (荷蘭Netherland)
City: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Age: 24
Length: 176cm
Weight: 60kg
Measurements: 90-76-105
Occupation: Secretary
Hobbies: fitness, fashion styling
Reason for participating:
Because I would be proud to represent that part of my roots.
Want to learn during the pageant…I would like to learn how to represent myself as a miss.
Words from Maresa:The last couple of months I had a great time with all the lovely girls and all the nice people of the organisation. I also became more confident to present myself as a Miss and I have learned more about the Chinese culture. I may not have the traditional Chinese look but I have Chinese blood and during the pageant I became more self-confident about this part of my roots and I would be very proud to represent this.
= Maresa =

11.蘇麗世Lis Su (瑞士Switzerland)
City: Lausanne, Swiss
Age: 22
Length: 175cm
Weight: 58kg
Measurements: 86-69-96
Occupation: Student (Economics)
Hobbies: skiing, reading, travelling, dancing
Reason for participating:
Curiosity, experience, making friends
Want to learn during the pageant…Modelling, public speaking, catwalk
Words from Lis:I have learnt how to work as a part of team, I love to join this pageant because I think I could learn also from the rest contestant from the other countries, thank you for the organization to give me this chance. During the pageant also make me believe myself better than before, I have get the great experience during the pageant, I will try my best to promote it also in Switzerland. To let more people join it.
= Lis =

12.王雅楠Monica Wang (意大利Italy)
City: Perugia, Italy
Age: 24
Length: 178cm
Weight: 54kg
Measurements: 83-65-95
Occupation: Student (Economics)
Hobbies: travelling, music
Reason for participating:
I want to get more experience
Want to learn during the pageant…I hope I could make friends, also improve myself as the gift of my 24 years birthday.
Words from Monica:I am thankful for this chance to join this great pageant, to let me re- view myself, I also made lots friends from the other European countries, I got support from all my friends and family, when I was doing the miss china in Italy pageant I was already wonder that I could go further to miss china Europe pageant, no matter the how result will be, for me the great experience will be the most important, it will left me good memory in my life. Grazie
= Monica =

The slide show of the 12 finalists

MCUK Final report
05 October 2008

The Miss China United Kingdom Pageant 2008 has been successfully held at the Lyric Theatre on Sunday 5th October 2008. Dance round, shanghai dress round, Bikini Questioning round, Evening Dress round and TOP 5 props questioning round, FIVE rounds were designed to test the 12 finalists on the night. Please find below for the final result:

Winner of Miss China UK: No.09 Niki Tang
1st Runner up: No.06 Lindzee Zhang
2rd Runner up: No.02 Belinda Duong
Miss Beautful Body: No.07 Anna Cheung
Miss Photogenic: No.02 Lindzee Zhang
Miss Talent: No.05 Longxiao Guo
Miss Friendship: No.09 Niki Tang

05 October 2008

2008年度英國華裔小姐競選于10月5日在Lyric Theatre完美落幕,此次盛事有舞姿,旗袍展示,比基尼問答環節和晚妝展示,進入前五名的佳麗進行了機智問答環節,12位決賽佳麗進行了5輪不同的考驗最終決出以下結果:

英國華裔小姐亞軍:No.06 張寧旭
英國華裔小姐季軍:No.02 唐雯洛
完美體態獎:No.07 張安娜
最上鏡小姐獎:No.02 張寧旭
天分獎:No.05 郭籠簫

MCG Final report
04 October 2008

The Miss China Germany Pageant 2008 has been successfully held at the Jammin Charloton Saturday 4th October 2008. the main show includes Shanghai dress, Bikini, Questioning round, Evening Dress round and TOP 5 props talent show, FIVE rounds were designed to test the 12 finalists on the night. Please find below for the final result.
Winner of Miss China Germany: No.7 Julie Lam
1st Runner up: No. 4 Jenny Zhan
3rd Runner up: No.8 Julia Wu
Miss Photogenic: No.7 Julie Lam
Miss Talent: No.5 Yingying Zhang

04 October 2008

2008年度德國華裔小姐競選于10月4日在Jammin Charlot完美落幕,此次盛事包括了旗袍展示,比基尼,機智問答環節和晚妝展示,進入前五名的佳麗進行了才藝表演環節,12位決賽佳麗進行了5輪不同的考驗最終決出以下結果:
德國華裔小姐冠軍: No.7林玉春
德國華裔小姐亞軍: No.4詹英妮
德國華裔小姐季軍: No.8吳咏儿
最上鏡小姐獎: No.7林玉春
才藝表演獎: No.5張瑩瑩

MCF Final report
28 September 2008

The Miss China France 2008 has been successfully held on the 28th September 2008 at the DEJAZET Theater in Paris. With the guidance of a choreographer, 12 finalists were designed of shanghai dress, bikini, evening dress and questioning round during the main show. The show started with an opening dance with the 12 finalists。finaly top 5 contestants were giving their best on the last test which wastalent show ,After deliberation by the judges, the finalists were announced as below:
Winner of Miss China France: No.10 Lu Lin Deng1st Runner up : No.12 Donna Ye2nd Runner up: No. 9 Nancy Tran

28 September 2008

2008年度法國華裔小姐競選于9月28日在DEJAZET Theater成功舉辦,經過舞蹈老師的精心編排指導,12位佳麗通過了旗袍展示,比基尼展示,晚裝展示以及機智問答環節。由12位佳麗門的舞蹈show引出晚會的開場,經過了3個環節(旗袍展示,比基尼展示和晚裝展示)的比賽之後,決出五名佳麗進入最後的才藝表演爭奪桂冠,最終由評委們評出以下選手:

MCB Pre-selection & Final report
23 September 2008
The 3 Pre-selections and the Final of Miss China Benelux have been successfully completed in turn on 15th at Holland Casino Amsterdam, on 16th at Holland Casino Rotterdam, on 18th at Holland Casino Scheveningen, and the final at Holland Casino Utrecht in August, 2008.
At the first Pre. at Holland Casino Amsterdam No. 7(Lynn Guo), 1 (Linh Quach) and 3 (Daphne Lim) won the top 3. In Rotterdam the luck moved to No. 1(Linh Quach), 11(Jiameng Yuan), and 9 (Melissa Yap) who became the top 3. In Scheveningen No.7(Lynn Guo), 2(Maresa Roquas), and 8 (Michella Su) were selected to be the top 3. However, only No.1 (Linh Quach) was granted the chance according to the votes from Oriental Touch and audiences at the Final to join the next section Miss China Europe. Moreover, she is going to represent the region of Benelux to compete with the contestants from the rest European regions for the crown of Miss China Europe. In addition, No.7 (Lynn Guo) and 2 (Maresa Roquas) were assigned as wild cards to enter also the Final for overall Europe.
During the 4 matches all contestant generally speaking accomplished all tasks gracefully. Each match was composed of the part of Shanghai dress, swimming suit, evening dress, and question time. Those contestants had to make each portion as perfect as possible in order to attract as many votes as possible for themselves. There were also many interactive games with the audiences. For instance, the mooncake construction game was the most welcome one, because audiences could win various types of prizes e.g. the tickets of the Final of Miss China Europe 2008. The most lucky bird was a man who achieved a return flight ticket from Amsterdam to Hong Kong. For obtaining the best results all contestants got trained, have a brake together, and encourage each other. We did not only see the excellent performances this time, but also friendships and harmony, which is one of our objectives to hold this event.
After interviewing many contestants, we found out that many of them learnt plenty of performance experiences and made lots of new friends. Especially when declaring the top 3 at the Final, they cheered for and share the happiness with each other. What a meaningful occasion!
Please continue to focus on the coming Final of Miss China Europe on 1st December!

荷比盧華裔小姐競選 - 面試實況
30 August 2008
2008年度荷比盧華裔小姐競選面試完美结束。本屆荷比盧華裔小姐競選面試階段已于2008年8月30日在Mecure hotel aan de Amstel (位於Amsterdam)舉辦完成,本次面試的成功舉行也意味著08年度荷比盧華裔小姐競選盛事再次擂響戰鼓。
本年度競選受到了廣大華裔以及中國在荷留學生的廣大關注,當日有來自荷蘭不同城市,不同背景的華人前來參加,經過美貌,智慧,儀態,Catwalk以及魅力等方面的考評,決出了12位優秀佳麗進入下一比賽階段—初赛,此次面試邀請到了4位評審,分別是華通娛樂總經理以及歐洲華裔小姐精選主席Kevin Chow 先生,著名排舞老式Minh Vu先生,著名形象顧問Michelle Bond,以及Hu Fashion著名服裝設計師Hu 先生,評委們一致認為,佳麗們的綜合素質都很高,有些中外混血的佳麗們則表示,參加華裔小姐競選,能使她們更加了解中國的文化,更親密接觸中國的人文歷史背景是她們最大的願望. 有些佳麗則表示,希望把時代女性的特點展現出來。
12位能進入初賽 的佳麗 們紛紛表示,將在接下來的比賽過程中更加努力把自己最好的一面呈獻給觀眾,讓我們共同參与,期待與此次盛事,感謝而所有關心,關注此次盛事的朋友,新聞媒體們,我們真誠的邀請您和我們一起見證08年度荷比盧華裔小姐的誕生!

MCI Final report
20 July 2008
The Miss China Italy Pageant 2008 has been successfully held at the Casino Di Venezia 20th July 2008. The main show includes dress LORENZO RIVA,ROCCO BARROCO,LISA TIBALDI, Bikini FLOREAL, Questioning round, Evening Dress round and TOP 5 props talent show, FIVE rounds were designed to test finalists on the night. Please find below for the final result.
Winner of Miss China Itay: Cristina Chen
1st Runner up Miss Elegance:Ruby Yu
2rd Runner up Miss Cinema: Monica Wang
Miss Moda: Livia Li
Miss Pubblico: Qingqing Zheng
Miss Sorriso: Laura Lin

20 July 2008

2008年度意大利華裔小姐競選于7月20日在Casino Di Venezia完美落幕,此次盛事包括了晚装展示,著名意大利品牌:Lorenzo Riva,比基尼 ,機智問答環節和晚妝展示,都是一起的佳麗進行了才藝表演環節,12位決賽佳麗進行了5輪不同的考驗最終決出以下結果


The final show of the beauty pageant contest with the opening dance of the girls. After that, the girls with Shanghai dress performed a “Thousand-Hand” Dance was amazing. Afterwards, their self introduction came and allowed audiences to understand and know more about the contestants one by one. An important session – Bikini Q&A came after the introduction. All of them looked so great and healthy with the golden swimming suit. They had to pick up different questions from the MC and give the best answer they could, but the MC always keep challenging their answers. Apparently, they girls stayed very calm and elegant to answer every question.

After the Shanghai Dress and Bikini round, there was Evening Dress. And the special guest Kevin Cheng was lending the dance with all 11 girls, how lucky they were!
They have done all first 3 rounds and it was time to announce the Top 5.
Before we announce the Top 5, there were 3 prizes given out:

Miss Popularity – No.6 Melissa Yap (NL)
Miss Friendship – No.9 Niki Tang (UK)
Miss Beautiful Body – No.7 Julie Lam (DE)

The Top 5 Girls :

No.1 Lynn Guo (NL)
No.4 Linh Quach (NL)
No.6 Melissa Yap (NL)
No.7 Julie Lam (DE)
No.9 Niki Tang (UK)

Top 5 girls had to show the judges their talent before they decided who the winner is. Their performance included dancing, playing piano. It was a hard time to the judge panel to make the decision as all of them were so great. While the judges working out the result, Yoyo Mung and Kevin Cheng on stage to sing and chit chat with the audiences. Result was in the hands of the MC, the first 2 prizes given out were photogenic and elegant respectively.

Miss Photogenic – No.4 Linh Quach (NL)
Miss Elegant – No.2 Nancy Tran (FR)

The most important and exciting time for the whole event, who will be the winner?

2nd Runner up – No.6 Melissa Yap (NL)
1st Runner up – No.9 Niki Tang (UK)
Winner – No.7 Julie Lam (DE)

繼而有各佳麗的自我介紹,讓觀眾更了解每一位的兒時夢想。之後有Minh-zone帶給大家的勁歌熱舞去推高現在氣氛去迎接下一個環節 – 泳裝問答!
著上金色泳裝的佳麗們在台上閃閃生光! 她們要逐一接受鑽石組合的司儀們考驗。有難度的問題,有趣的答案,加上司儀即席提出的反問刁難,佳麗們都大方得體的回應。評判們在評分上都大傷腦筋!

除了中國旗袍及泳裝外,當然少不了高貴晚裝,更令大家驚喜的是,有我們的特別嘉賓 – 鄭嘉穎先生與佳麗一起載歌載舞,整個舞台之構圖美麗到不能言語!
頭五強即將誕生,評判的每一分對佳麗都非常重要! 首先 有3個獎狀要盼發,第一個是最受歡迎小姐,由6號 金芳(荷蘭) 得到。由佳麗們自己挑選的友誼小姐,由9號 唐榕昕(英國)奪得。而7號林玉春(德國)得了完美體態獎。
緊張時刻又到了... 要宣佈五強佳麗,她們分別為 1號 郭美玲 (荷蘭),4號 郭翠玲 (荷蘭),6號 金芳 (荷蘭),7號 林玉春 (德國) 及 9號 唐榕昕 (英國)。

五強佳麗要立即準備其個人天才表演,分別有跳舞,彈琴 等。五位佳麗都表現出色,又再一次令到評判們頭痛,於這個緊張氣氛,分別有蒙嘉慧小姐 及鄭嘉穎先生 的歌聲緩和下大家情緒。
印了賽果的信封已交到3位司儀手中,於宣佈冠亞季軍前,還有2個獎項要盼發,分別由4號 郭翠玲(荷蘭)得到最上鏡小姐,及 2號 陳善芝(法國)取得高貴氣質獎。

季軍: 6號 金芳 (荷蘭)
亞軍: 9號 唐榕昕 (英國)
冠軍: 7號 林玉春 (德國)



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