Online MSN Travel UK asked nearly 3,000 British holidaymakers where they feel most and least safe, based on holidays over the last three years.

Read on for the countdown of top 10 places that most travellers felt least safe in.
After you've finished, discover which hotspots made in onto the list of places people felt most safe in.

The countries that made it onto the top 10 list of the world's least safe destinations

10: Dominican Republic
Rating: 3.9
Why: Incidents of crime and violence, credit card cloning and fraud are common.

9: Cuba
Rating: 3.8
Why: Opportunistic theft is common.

8: Tunisia
Rating: 3.6
Why: Recent political unrest and protests

7: Thailand
Rating: 3.6
Why: Political upheaval

6: Egypt
Rating: 3.5
Why: Current political turbulence

5: Dubai
Rating: 3.4
Why: Cultural differences

4: Jamaica
Rating: 3.2
Why: High levels of crime and violence

3: Bulgaria
Rating: 2.5
Why: Over-charging and robberies

2: South Africa
Rating: 2
Why: High level of crime, many fatal road accidents.

1: Mexico
Rating: 1.8
Why: High level of drug-related violence, criminal activity, armed robberies & theft.

The countries that made it onto the top 10 list of the world's safest destinations

10: Switzerland - Rating: 7.1
9: Singapore - Rating: 7.4
8: Italy - Rating: 7.6
7: Florida - Rating: 7.9
6: Australia - Rating: 8
5: Denmark - Rating: 8
4: New Zealand - Rating: 8.3
3: Cyprus - Rating: 9.4
2: France - Rating: 9.5
1: Spain - Rating: 9.8

WHY? For all reasons South Africa is NOT!

  • safety and wellbeing are of prime importance
  • ...has one of the world's highest personal and property safety records.
  • crime rates are low, good healthcare, efficient transport, multilingual locals, violent crime is virtually unheard of.
  • clean, organised and civil unrest is almost unheard of
  • relatively uncrowded streets, clean and orderly, streets and pavements are well-lit at night and muggings are rare
  • easy to travel around, has a stable economy and low crime rate
  • hospitals and airports are modern

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