A catchy new struggle song, ‘Shoot the politician’, has been hailed by the 20-million South African voters who get nothing in return for the...
Extreme Police Butality - Killing of Defenceless Protestor
South Africa “the protest capital of the world” - The beginning of the end for the ANC! As the ANC turns into an aggressive kleptocracy - an...
Only a matter of time before the bomb explodes
by Moeletsi Mbeki: Author, political commentator. I can predict when SA’s "Tunisia Day" will arrive. Tunisia Day is when the mas...
10 Most Jobless Countries
UN report about unemployment 205 million people were unemployed in 2010 (according to a UN Report) and that number is not expected to impro...
ANC to replace Freedom Charter with Free Stuff Charter
Minister and epic freeloader Sicelo Shiceka has been named by the ANC as the man who will draft a new Free Stuff Charter to replace the Free...
The £650m Apology - David Cameron buys six new submarines
Its an old saying but Charity really does begin at home. David Cameron would obviously deny that he has just helped Pakistan buy six new sub...
If I move overseas, must I shut my mouth?
It seems there is a prevailing opinion that once you have emigrated, you lose your right to read the news in South Africa. And God forbid yo...
A Promise to the South African Government
Hacktivist group Anonymous has released a video calling on the people of South Africa to rise up and “take their country back” from corrupt ...
ANCYL Website Hacked
The website of South Africa’s ANC Youth League (ANCYL) was hacked last Wednesday afternoon, in what some believe is the start of a much larg...
Why the poor are a pain in the arse for politicians
With local elections looming we are bound to hear all sorts of nonsense about how the government should be uplifting the “economically disad...
Police call for tax boycott as taxpayers become accessories to crime
The police and other corruption-busting organisations have warned South Africans to stop paying tax, saying that citizens are knowingly beco...
R800m for VIP jets when millions do not have housing, health and basic services
Why are we spending R800m on aircraft for VIPs when millions of people do not have housing, health and basic services? Government VIPs will ...
Cele and his SAPS criminals vs Jesus and His 12 Apostles
No this is not an April Fools joke National police chief Bheki Cele has likened the SA Police Service to Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles ...
Bright spark, big-mouth Malema linked to another failed construction project
Reports say that Malema is co-owner of the company SGL Engineering Projects. SGL is said to have been awarded more than 20 contracts, each w...