Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1million gun owners 'SA's most wanted criminals'

It is quite clear now that the SAPS and ANC government lied when they claimed the Firearms Control Act was not intended to disarm the public.

Surprise for gun owners

With upwards of 1 million firearm owners who have not been properly contacted, the SAPS have their address, about to be South Africa's most wanted criminals on June 30th
Their firearms will be ripped from their hands by the SAPS if they do not hand them over. Nor will compensation be paid as mandated by the constitution and the Act.

Special teams have been trained to collect these firearms from owners the SAPS never notified. While violent criminals operate with impunity murdering raping, robbing and hi-jacking. The SAPS will never catch or see that more than 6% are punished. It is far easier to chase real criminals like firearm owners.

The SAPS have never shown any proof of their claim that the Firearms Control Act will reduce crime or the supply of guns to criminals. World evidence all points to another lie from SAPS and the ANC government.

The hypocrisy of the ANC knows no bounds as the ANC is illegal possession of 100 tons of war arms and munitions never handed over. The ANC claimed in a submission to the Goldstone commission that these arms posed no danger to the public. The SAPS agreed and produced research from the USA to back it up.

Now the ANC want the guns and the police state becomes apparent as both the ANC and SAPS lie claiming guns cause crime and pose a danger to the public.

Are the lives of citizens of so little importance to the SAPS and ANC government that they can be sacrificed to political agendas? The public and world needs to know what kind of oppressive government the ANC really is.

From the Black Gun Owners Association of SA

The Black Gun Owners Association of South Africa (BGOASA) wishes to express its distrust of the validity of the Firearm (Confiscation)Act, Act 60 of 2000.

Given that: The Central Firearms Registry (CFR) admits to less than 1 million of the 2,8 million legal gunowners have even bothered to apply for the 'new' gun licences, only 35% of which have been processed.

CFR still refuses to admit that it is not capable of implementing this fiasco and is now about to force more than 2 million legal firearm owners to become 'instant criminals' from June 30th.

It is the considered opinion of our Association that the FCA is an almost complete and utter failure, so is -we believe- destined to be rescinded at the end of June 2009.

Not since the refusal by the public to submit to the draconian passbook laws of the apartheid regime, has there been such a groundswell of public dissent at legislation which can only result in a massive increase in SA's already terrifying crime wave.

Therefore it does not take a rocket scientist to work out that less (legal) guns in responsible, law-abiding hands, will shockingly equal much more crime in the very near future.

This in turn surely casting grave doubt on SA's suitability to host World-class, international events.

Abios Khoele
National Chairperson
Black Gun Owners Association of SA
083 318 9417
011 972 0010

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