Thursday, June 18, 2009

South African rape shock

One in 4 SA men admit rape

MRC: Quarter of men in South Africa admit rape

More than a quarter of South African men admit to raping a woman or girl - with 9.8% forcing themselves on a victim for the first time before the age of 10.

SA is proudly number ONE in the world when it comes to RAPE. Reported cases to the South African Police in 2007 numbered 38 000. Many more cases go unreported.

The Medical Research Council (MRC) study of 1 738 men found that nearly half had done so more than once.

Among the men surveyed, 27.6% admitted to raping a woman or girl. One in five of confessed rapists had HIV, added the study, which canvassed men of all race groups, different socio-economic backgrounds, and urban and rural areas.

Nearly 10% of the men said they had forced a woman or girl into sex for the first time when aged under 10 years old.

Nearly 73% of the men surveyed committed their first rape while under age 20.

The incidence of HIV among rapists was similar to the rate among the general population. But 27.8% of the men who said they had committed same-sex assaults tested positive for HIV.

More than 42% of men in the study said they were physically violent to their partners, and those men were more likely to have HIV, the council said.

South Africa has one of the world's highest rates of reported rape with 36 190 cases - 99 per day - reported to police in 2007, but experts say that only a small number of attacks are actually reported.

The country has the highest number of HIV infections in the world.

South Africa Has World's Highest Number With AIDS: UN Report - The ... SA has most HIV infections : News24: SouthAfrica: AidsFocus

South Africa's government has been repeatedly criticised for failing to address the country's rape epidemic.

A recent trade union report said a child was being raped in South Africa every three minutes with the vast majority of those cases going unreported.

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