'Black South Africans are much worse off under ANC-rule than they ever were during apartheid... ' -
After over a decade of ANC-rule under Thabo Mbeki, conditions for black people in SA are today so much worse than they ever were under apartheid that black communities all across the country's townships again have returned to the streets to protest -- waging violence-driven campaigns, this time against their own black regime. They are protesting against their dismal living conditions and also the drastic lack of civil liberties being endured under the Mbeki-regime.
Far-left Canadian journalist Naomi Klein noted these shocking living conditions of black South Africans under the Mbeki-regime -- describing them in her latest book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism". Klein provides the following list of how living conditions for SA blacks have gotten worse:
*Four-million people now live on less than $1 a day (doubled since apartheid);
* 48% of the people now are unemployed; it was 28% under apartheid;
* only 5,000 of 35-million+ black South Africans earn over R60,000 a year;
* the ANC government has built 1.8 million (ramshackle, tiny) new homes while two-million South Africans have lost theirs;
* Some 1-m blacks were evicted from farms by new black farmers;
* the shack dweller population grew by 50% in 2006, one-quarter of the entire SA population lives in shacks without running water or electricity.
* the TB/AIDS infection rate is soaring past 20% -- and the Mbeki government denies the severity of the twin killer-epidemics;
* The average life expectancy for everyone is at 48 years; it hovered around 62 years during apartheid;
* 40% of all SA schools have no electricity;
* 25% of all the 46-million people in SA have no clean water; 60% of all the people have inadequate sanitation; 40% have no telephones.
SA has more AIDS-victims than taxpayers now
8-m South Africans with AIDS+TB* -- and only 7.7-m permanent taxpayers...
South Africa officially has 47-million citizens plus some 5-million economic refugees and more streaming in from the rest of Africa every day...Yet the country only has 7.7-million officially-registered permanent taxpayers - claims labour minister Membathisi Mdladlana, who noted during the recent parliamentary debate about the black-economic empowerment laws that although 13-million people do have jobs; 5.8-million of these are low-paid part-time workers whose wages are not contributing to the central tax registers: they are not registered to pay unemployment insurance.
In other words, only 7.7 million people are paying permanent wage-related income-taxes to the central government to support the country's entire infrastructure for 52-million people -- moreover this is also a population which for the most part now is becoming seriously endangered by the deadly AIDS+TB epidemics, the soaring crime epidemic and the rapidly-growing famine in SA.
It's also interesting to note the report from UN and SA aid-agencies who say that some 23-m indigenous South Africans (of all races) already have to survive below the breadline of $1 a day.
6-million primary-pupils survive only on free school-meals.
The education department (i.e. funded by those 7.7-million taxpayers) now feeds some 6-million or so primary-age pupils to stop them from starving to death and wants money to feed even more. More than half are AIDS-orphans living with grandmoms, aunts or older children on government pensions, the rest become increasingly feral, living on handouts, crime and prostitution.
The countryside around all the major cities is dotted with massive filth-, disease- and crime-ridden shantytowns where these kids are growing up: forming increasingly organised feral youth gangs which clearly now practically rule the streets 24/7.
- They are also the main ''foot soldiers' who lately are conducting ethnic-cleansing campaigns to clear out all the foreigners' (Asians and blacks) from the townships, which campaigns are receiving a lot of attention, with the senile media referring to this as 'xenophobia'.
- However these feral gangs haven't only been targetting the black foreigners in the townships - they have also been organised to target the country's whites.
Now it's clearly becoming all out warfare which the police is not equipped to stop or even combat from day to day. This is due mainly to the fact that the ANC-ruled officials themselves are looting the treasury so massively that they have left the police and military grossly underfunded and thus totally unable to protect the population.
These so-called 'wealthy African ANC-ruled upper-class' -- often referred to as the 'black diamonds' -- are pissing away the country's looted tax-money from those 7,7-million permanent taxpayers on utterly mindless luxuries while the country's border-to-border municipal infrastructures and the entire transportation, policing and health-care systems are collapsing from criminal waste, massive fraud and utter neglect.
Mdladlana warned the country's top-JSE-listed companies -- i.e. those very guys generating those taxes paid in by those 7,7-million people -- that they would be severely punished if they didn't start hiring all those many 'qualified blacks out there' at once.
- The fact that the working-age population pool has been allowed to become infected with AIDS+TB only due to the criminal neglect of the country's denialist-president Thabo Mbeki clearly won't matter either: the defence force union this week moved these last goal-posts by hurriedly obtaining a High Court order through which the SA military must keep its 12,650 AIDS-infected staffers (their own official stats, 23% of 55,000 employees) on its payroll - and moreover also have to hire new applicants even if they are HIV+.
Obviously this will then also have to be applied to all the government posts including the police.
SA defence force turned into a huge AIDS+TB hospice
- In other words, South Africa's entire defence (and policing) force is now rapidly being turned into a countrywide taxpayer-funded hospice for AIDS-infected working-age men and women.
I fully expect that this court order will now also be used as a new weapon against any JSE-listed companies which still dare to turn down 'qualified black" HIV-infected job applicants in future.
And why stop at HIV - which is a communicable disease? What's to stop the ANC-regime from now interpreting this court order to also include other infectious diseases such as TB?
Foreign investors will undoubtedly have to take an even closer look at any JSE-listed company which now has this new sword of Democles hanging over its head.
Clearly, just as has just been done to the (taxpayer-funded) military, all these JSE-listed companies now will also be forced to become hospices for AIDS-infected employees and job-applicants:
- These companies will not only be forced to start hiring HIV-infected applicants just as the military is now being forced to do;
They also will have to pay for the employees' increasing absences and production losses as the deadly infection progresses; pay for their huge medical bills to keep them on antiretroviral treatments as long as possible; pay all the funeral costs -- and the widows-and-orphans benefits in perpetuity.
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