Ayaan Ali Hirsi clearly stated 'we're all racist'- and when you see what black Africans have done with their white minorities then you wonder why Europe etc. should not be stopping the thousands who land on their shores from Africa every month.
Perhaps not all are Muhammedans, but most are.
And Europe is not the dumping ground for the failure or African dictators to provide for their people.
What also irks me is that there is no reciprocity at all. None whatsoever. Whether its the Sharptons/Jesse Jacksons/ O.J. Simpson or you name it, they are all openly racist against whites or others and completely shameless about it.
When you see the Mugabes and the Mbeki's and all the others in Africa, there is genocidal hatred and not much else.
There is no reciprocity: Europe, America, Australia is supposed to uphold its laws and human rights legislation and the Africans dictators just spit them in the face in spite of the endless gravy train that goes one way.
The Liberators considered anyone who co-operated with the whites to be a "sell-out" or a traitor. They used sheer terror to prevent blacks from being friendly towards the whites. Any moderate black, who co-operated with the whites, was in danger of being beaten, or, worse still, murdered in the most brutal fashion imaginable. The Liberators were not nice, kind, democratic people. They were people who were hungry for power and who used any means to get it. They killed black and white civilians alike in a reign of terror in order to get their way.It is worth describing shortly, their basic approach. In Zimbabwe, the war was fought in the rural areas, often far away from civilisation. A gang of guerrillas would approach a village and gather together all the people who maybe numbered several hundred. They would try to convince the villagers to support them. They would even teach them politically orientated songs.
They would indoctrinate them with Marxist ideology. But then they would warn them of what would happen to a sell-out. They would then pick a man from the audience, to demonstrate to the villagers what they would do to someone who co-operated with the whites. They might pick a man and then start beating him while forcing the villagers to watch. On some occasions they would begin cutting flesh from his living body. A favourite target was to cut a man's ears, or lips off. They might cut his lips off with a knife or a bayonet or even rip them off with pliers. Then they would call his wife and ask her to cook her husband's flesh. Then they would make her eat it. All this would be done in full view of the horrified villagers. They would beat the man, torture him some more and finally bayonet him to death. This, they would declare, is what will happen to anyone who co-operates with the whites.
Let's examine some photographs and let them do the talking...This man had his lips and ears cut off. His wife was forced to cook and eat the flesh:-
Note in the foreground the corpse of the little baby. These people came in the name of God to help the blacks and this was the thanks they got. It is very similar to the murder of Amy Bhiel, the American girl who came to South Africa's townships to help the blacks:-
Various idiots in the World Council of Churches and other places have been apologists for murders by the black Marxists, saying "they were motivated by love!" Can you believe it? Look at these young women, with pure hearts who had their lives snuffed out like this by Marxist garbage.
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