For the past 13 years we have heard how all our problems are the fault of the long since departed apartheid regime. The ANC spin doctors resort to all sorts of excuses when things go wrong, as they have been doing for the past 10 years.
Now is the time for the truth
SA before 1994
In 1994 the ANC took over a country that was in a healthy state of repair, with an Education system rated one of the top ten in the world.
A Health system that produced pioneers in many fields of medical research and enjoyed the respect of the medical fraternity the world over.
A transportation system that was the envy of the rest of Africa, and a network of roads equal to the best in Europe.
A police force that controlled crime.
A water supply rated one of the cleanest in the world.
What have we now?
SA after 1994
An education system rated at the bottom end of a field of 50, with a required pass rate of 33% (the lowest requirement of any system in the world, and still our pupils are unable to achieve this miserable standard).
We have a health system where those in control believe beetroot and garlic will cure AIDS, where babies die in hospitals through lack of knowledge, medication, equipment and efficient care.
Where untrained staff forget to check regularly on patients in serious condition.
We have a Minerals and Energy Minister who suggests that businesses close for certain periods to conserve electricity whilst South Arica suffers power failures, but until very recently continued to supply electrical power to our northern and eastern neighbours.
We have cholera outbreaks because of contaminated water supplies in rural areas.
We have a crime rate which is just about the highest in the world.
We have a government composed of officials under investigation for corruption, theft, fraud, consorting with criminals, drunken driving, speeding and many other forms of law breaking.
The Government
Incapable of running the country
The ANC government is incapable of running our country. And their policies border on insanity.
The ANC policy of Affirmative Action has stripped the country of 75% of its skilled population and is responsible for the deprivation of the constitutional and social rights of the white population.
The practice of putting black people in a position way above their ceiling of competence is now showing the inevitable signs of efficiency erosion at all levels. Along with the inevitable rise in prices and lowering of standards of service and living.
The Black Economic Empowerment policy has empowered a certain group of people (all ANC members) at the expense of the entire population. And has cost, and continues to cost, our country billions of rand.
The ANC government officials, both local and national have embarked on a policy of rewarding themselves with excessive salaries, and ridiculous bonuses, for utter inefficiency.
Eskom is another case in point, with an alleged R143 million paid in bonuses, whilst the country suffers an energy crisis due to ignorance and lack of planning. This crisis now threatens the economy of our country.
I am sure many of those who operate a Telkom service have had the pleasure of holding on for 49 minutes when contacting Telkom's help line. (My personal best was 59 minutes on January 26, 2008. I must admit that I was helped after that period, which was a refreshing change).
We have a crime rate that is the envy of the Russian Mafia, who will no doubt soon be relocating to Johannesburg and Cape Town. (The Sicilian Brotherhood are already here it seems, enjoying the friendship of some of our Commissioners and Ministers).
We have roads which, in the rural areas, are slowly crumbling away, if they have not already disintegrated.
We have roads in our towns and cities which have more potholes than a slice of Swiss cheese. We have traffic lights which do not work for at least 2 - 3 days each month.
As a reward for this farcical and criminal inefficiency, the government hands out awards and bonuses to all concerned.
Let's be honest...
Our democracy is under severe threat
Several Ministers should have been fired by the President 4 years ago. Those involved in Health, Safety and Security, Education, Home Affairs, Land Affairs, Labour and Minerals and Energy should long since have walked the plank.
The latest madness is to disband the one department that stands between absolute corrupt government and the man in the street, the Scorpions.
In fact our democracy, such as it is, is under severe threat.
We have a former Minister of Defence who bought fighter planes which the airforce did not want, and who, it is alleged by a former ANC Minister, received R39-R50 million for his troubles.
We have two submarines (cost R1.6 billion a piece, it is alleged) which are languishing in Cape Town Harbour as no one can drive them.
We also have a fancy army, which costs millions monthly, with no one to fight. Which is why we have millions unemployed and without shelter.
And 4 million refugees, which we cannot afford to cater for.
But if one criticises the present ANC government, (which should be one’s democratic right), one is labeled 'racist'. But the biggest racists are those who accuse others of racism, and everyone knows where they are.
Let's be honest, tell the truth and declare quite openly, the ANC are incapable of running this country.
Let's be honest, tell the truth and declare quite openly, the ANC are incapable of running this country.
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