Prior to 1994’s general election, African-style, the civilized western world was suffering from a guilt-ridden conscience and needed a country or a people to project their insecurities onto. That arrow was nocked and aimed towards South Africa and its minority white population. Indeed, it had been pointing in that direction for several years prior to 1994.
When de Klerk and his ministers, with the West’s encouragement, surrendered power to a rag-tag Marxist-inspired terrorist group, he achieved what all of South Africa’s military enemies could never have achieved — the destruction of a once-powerful and once-proud South African Defence Force (SADF). It has been replaced with a “new” force, known as the South African National Defence Force, a force that has worked hard to destroy any semblance of a defence force. Instead, it has become a clone of the ANC’s rag-tag band of terrorists, unable to maintain discipline, unable to execute effective military operations and a force tainted with crime, prostitution, drugs, AIDS, murder, drunken orgies, rape and more.
With the dismantling of the SADF by the ANC came the demise of the South African Police (SAP), once South Africa’s “thin blue line” in the fight against crime. In its stead has come a fat blue line, staffed by overweight, illiterate and ill-trained “policemen” now known as the South African Police Service, a force unable to render a service for much of the time. Indeed, it has become the best police force money can buy – from a criminal point-of-view. The “new” SAPS has proved beyond any doubt that it is not to be trusted, nor does it have the fight against crime at heart. Instead, it too has a large number of members in its ranks that moonlight as criminals. If the case of its commissioner, Jackie Selebi doesn’t beg answers, then nothing ever will.
Unable to defend and police itself, worse was to follow.
The power supply utility, ESKOM, has, through its policy of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and Affirmative Action (AA), effectively destroyed itself. No longer concerned with maintenance, upgrading, effective work ethics and the like, it has become obsessed with how much profit it can generate for as little input as possible. This will in turn lead to a downward trend in investor confidence, industry, mining, manufacturing, tourism and more. Small business units can no longer function effectively and will soon be faced with closing down or suffer bankruptcy. Larger companies are facing massive financial losses yet there seems to be an attitude of “we couldn’t care less” by government and ESKOM. Yet, an industrial meltdown is of no apparent concern to the ANC and its fellow travellers.
The standard of education has plummeted in recent years. No longer is a South African qualification internationally sought-after. It is now somewhat of a joke. Many matriculants cannot read or write but it is politically correct to advance them to the next grade, regardless of their results. Passing through grades and indeed universities is becoming easier by the day.
Our hospitals are in a state of decay. Our infrastructure, carefully planned and built up over years, is crumbling. Unemployment is on the rise. Our water utilities are rapidly approaching collapse. The tourist industry is in disarray. Businesses can no longer run on “real” time due to failing traffic lights – instead we all have to work on “African” time. Major operations need to be rescheduled. Planned business dinners can no longer be planned. Telephone and internet disruptions are causing businesses massive financial losses. Sewage systems are collapsing. South Africa has reached a state of near implosion.
Yet, South Africa measures success by having one of the highest crime rates in the world. South Africa measures success by having an extraordinary high AIDS population. South Africa measures success by having the least educated president-to be with the most wives and children than any other country in the world. Success is also measured by how rapidly the currency devaluates, how poor our national teams perform when they are all black. Success is also measured in terms of how corrupt government officials can be and how the unnecessary purchase of obsolete weapons systems has enriched a few.
However, for some strange reason, the West still sees South Africa as another “showcase” of African democracy — destined to follow the road of Zimbabwe and Kenya. People within South Africa view the so-called bloodless move to power by the ANC in 1994 as a “miracle”. Ironically, the continued assault on white farmers, businessmen and normal citizens proves that the ANC merely changed its tactics from traditional terrorism to all-out criminal terrorism.
The infrastructure meltdown since the ANC took power has been alarmingly dramatic, yet its leaders remain in a state of denial.
When Jacob Zuma was voted into the presidency of the ANC, it was not because of what he stood for. Indeed, he stood - and still stands - for nothing, except against Mbeki. The joy at witnessing the Mbeki-dictatorship being replaced by a Zuma-anarchy was indeed astounding. Nepotism has been replaced by criminalism, all firmly entrenched under the guise of BEE, AA and “liberation politics” – and the dismantling of the Scorpions. Those who do not toe the party line will be dealt with, regardless of color or creed.
Billions of Rands are being wiped off the Stock Exchange, yet this apparently is no cause for concern. The fact that foreign investors are getting jittery and withdrawing much-needed foreign capital is ascribed to “racism”. People who express concern are being branded as “traitors to South Africa”. It is, indeed, becoming a one-party state in the truest sense of the word, with a currency in rapid free-fall. African diplomats who have lived through their own countries “freedom” stand agog, unable to comprehend how the ANC did not learn from their own bitter lessons – whatever is destroyed will require building up at a later date and at massive cost.
The carefully engineered collapse of South Africa by the West and the internal destruction of the country’s infrastructure - along with its economy - by the ANC has created a situation criminals can only dream about. Criminal gangs from Nigeria, Russia, Israel, China and elsewhere are welcomed with open arms. Their methods of redistributing wealth and claiming themselves as the beneficiaries have become the standard by which we are supposed to live.
The collapse of South Africa started a long time ago. The smokescreen and lies created by the National Party of old, misled the very citizens it was claiming to protect. Their actions were not something engineered by the Russians and the Chinese. Whereas the Russians and the Chinese had wanted – and still want – control over South Africa’s resources, even they cannot believe the level of destruction and bestiality with which the ANC and its friends have taken control. Indeed, had they won the battle for South Africa, they would have wanted to keep the first-world infrastructure intact, and not destroy it, in order to maintain their enforced policies.
Law abiding South Africans are now faced with new visa requirements when traveling abroad because our government has decided to support fanatical terrorists. Indeed, many international terrorists are hiding in South Africa – with government protection, either directly or indirectly. South Africa now openly supports dictatorial regimes and Islamic fundamentalism.
The collapse of South Africa started several years ago. The rapid decline into chaos has transformed a once-stable country into a banana republic. Yet, the collapse of South Africa is deemed “progress”.
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