Bok van Blerk probably became most famous for his international hit 'Delarey'. The song brought together the Afrikaans community and celebrated its wonderful culture but also history, and at the end that Afrikaans is something to be immensely proud of, which it most certainly is. Most recently Bok has taken this step further, writing a song 'Kaplyn' commemorating and thanking the brave men whom served on the Border. And now, his song 'Tyd om te trek' (time to move on). When I watch this, I can't stop to feel how the countless thousands of White Africans endured this very same event, and to this day this is still occurring. Not only is this video fantastically filmed, but it really does bring out the REAL events of Africa...the one where journalists are too cowardly to portray. While watching this, remember that this is the reality of the White African, just a cleaner version.


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