意大利现猪流感疑似病例 华人旅游业停接拉美团

中新网4月28日电 据意大利《欧联时报》报道,随着猪流感疫情在全球蔓延,继西班牙政府4月27日宣布,该国一名男子已确认感染了猪流感后,新西兰宣布发现至少10个疑似病例,欧洲的瑞士、瑞典、丹麦、德国当天也宣布出现猪流感疑似病。4月27日,意大利威尼斯一家医院接诊了一名疑似患有猪流感的31岁女性。受其影响,在意大利经营旅行社和在旅游景点经营餐饮业的华人企业已暂停接待拉美旅游团。








小檔案-第一類法定傳染病 防疫最高等級

衛生署昨天正式將豬流感列入第一類法定傳染病,防疫規格提升到最高管制等級。 目前第一類法定傳染病包括:SARS嚴重急性呼吸道症候群、天花、鼠疫、狂犬病、炭疽病、 H5N1禽流感,以及最新列入的豬流感即H1N1新型流感。這些傳染病都具有高度傳染性,容易引起重症,都是讓人聞之色變的嚴重傳染疾病。 防疫措施上,醫師若高度懷疑病患感染豬流感,必須在廿四小時內通報,並視情況將病患強制隔離治療。(資料來源:疾管局) .......




Swine Flu Reinforces the Importance of Preparing for Emergencies, Says APHA
Posted on: Monday, 27 April 2009, 15:41 CDT

WASHINGTON, April 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The American Public Health Association (APHA) urges the public to use the current swine flu outbreak as an opportunity to ensure that they and their families are prepared for potential pandemics, disasters or any other health emergencies that may arise.

"Although it is far too early to know the degree to which the current swine flu outbreak warrants alarm, the number of cases and the speed with which the virus has spread around the globe serves as an opportunity to spread the message of the critical nature of preparedness," said Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, FACEP (E), executive director of the APHA.

APHA's Get Ready campaign helps all Americans prepare themselves, their families and their communities for all disasters and hazards, including pandemic flu, infectious disease, natural disasters and other emergencies. Along with a wealth of pandemic flu resources, visitors to the site will also find fact sheets, blog entries, handouts, podcasts, Q&As and a variety of other resources to help their families get ready for any type of emergency.

Some of the preparedness tips for a potential pandemic include:

Staying healthy and keeping others from getting sick by washing your hands frequently, avoiding close contact with people who are sick, covering your nose and mouth when you sneeze and staying home from work or school if sick;
Creating an emergency preparedness kit with food, water, medical supplies and anything else you might need if you had to stay at home for an extended period of time; and
Talking to your employer about their contingency plan for a potential situation where many employees are unable to work or must work from home.

"While investing in our nation's public health infrastructure is an essential component of pandemic preparedness, it is also up to each of us to take steps as individuals and as members of a family and community to ensure we are well prepared when a public health emergency occurs," Benjamin said.

Courtesy of the sources medusa.jrc.it & www.redorbit.com


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