Hardly a week into his new portfolio as Minister of Transport, S'bu Ndebele is in the midst of political controversy after accepting, among other gifts, a R1.1 million vehicle.

The Star reported that the former KwaZulu-Natal premier and provincial minister of transport has accepted a R1.1-million Mercedes Benz S500, at a farewell party in Pietermaritzburg on Saturday evening by contractors who had benefited from the province's Vukuzakhe programme.

The gesture was reportedly meant as thanks for Ndebele's role in creating a platform for small contractors in the province. Vukuzakhe was established in 1996 to help emerging contractors for road construction.

Ndebele confirmed that in the past 10 years, the government has allocated close to R10-billion in contracts to contractors associated with the programme.

The Democratic Alliance urged Ndebele to return the car, saying it posed a conflict of interest.

"The transport minister therefore must show that he is not beholden to Vukuzakhe contractors, and Mr Ndebele must return the Mercedes-Benz gift they gave to him," the party said.

"This will help to give us confidence that any future contracts awarded to Vukuzakhe are based on their ability to deliver, not on the consideration of this gift."

The Executive Code of Ethics states that a member of Parliament must request permission from the president to accept or retain a gift with a value of more than R1 000 that he receives in the course of his duties.

It bars MPs from accepting gifts in return for favours, or accepting gifts that constitute improper influence.

Merc gift - It's up to Zuma now

Give back R1m Merc, Ndebele told


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