Karl Marx wanted to dedicate “Das Kapital” to Charles Darwin and wrote “Darwin's book is very important and serves me as a basis in the natural sciences for the historical class struggle.” “Violence is the midwife…” As Stalin so succinctly put it: “Evolution leads to revolution.”
Both Darwin and Marx expressed racist views. It is ironic that so many Russians and Africans have held Marxist beliefs, because Marx himself despised the Slavs and the Blacks, writing that they were “frozen at pre-civilisation levels” and would never make any contribution to history! (Karl Marx The Racist, 1978; Understanding The Times, David Noebel, 1991; Marx and Satan, Richard Wurmbrand).
The Oxford English Dictionary defines racism as: “…discrimination against or antagonism towards other races.”
Yet many who speak out vitriolicly against racism, are themselves racist, displaying intense antagonism towards people of other races, and advocating policies which discriminate on the basis of race.
These are many of the same people who would respect Martin Luther King, but who are not willing to live by his maxim: “They will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
Frustrated people easily give in to character conditioned hate. The easiest idea to sell anyone is that he is better than someone else. The holocaust in Rwanda where mobs of Hutus slaughtered over 800 000 Tutsi Christians is just one example of the destructive power of tribalism in Africa today. More people were killed with machetes in six weeks in Rwanda, than have been killed by nuclear weapons in all of history.
H.G. Wells noted that racism “justifies and holds together more baseness, cruelty and abomination than any other sort of error in the world.”
Abraham Heschel described racism as “the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason.”
It is disturbing how many African leaders, while ostensibly opposing racism support one of the most vitriolic racists on the continent today: Robert Mugabe.
Despite Zimbabwean dictator, Robert Mugabe, being guilty of some of the most vicious racism with a disastrous policy of state sponsored terrorism, the stealing and looting of farms and businesses, murder of farmers and opposition members, terrorising of supreme court justices, bombing of opposition newspaper offices, imprisoning of critics and reckless promotion of racial hatred against whites and Jews, the ANC government of South Africa steadfastly refuses to criticise Mugabe.
The crisis in Zimbabwe is severe. People are dying of starvation in a man made famine, orchestrated by the ZANU-PF government of Robert Mugabe. Thousands of productive farms have been seized by government organised mobs. Vast herds of cattle and wildlife have been slaughtered. Crops and stores burned. Farmhouses looted. Many people beaten or murdered.
One of the most productive agricultural economies in Africa has been systematically destroyed because of fanatical racial hatred. Not only did these farms feed the entire nation, but they also exported food, providing the highest percentage of foreign exchange earnings. These commercial farms were also the largest employers of labour in the country and provided homes for up to 4 million farm workers and their dependants.
Yet, the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, needing a scapegoat for his failed socialism, played the race card and declared: “Farmers are enemies of the state!… We have degrees in violence!…I will be a Black Hitler - 10 fold!…Those farmers who resist will die!”
During the March 2002 Presidential Election in Zimbabwe over 1 400 MDC election observers and supporters were arrested in a massive nation wide clamp down on the opposition. Human rights groups documented over 70 000 human rights abuses in the run up to the elections. This included severe beatings, abductions, torture and murder. ZANU-PF officials, supporters, war veterans and youth brigade militia rampaged through residential areas, attacking people indiscriminately, beating street vendors, dragging white farmers from their cars, savagely beating and murdering many.
Yet, although almost all observers condemned the elections as fraudulent, incredibly, the African National Congress (ANC) government of South Africa expressed their “warm congratulations” to Robert Mugabe for “a convincing majority win.”
Many condemned the ANC's “obscene haste” to declare the poll legitimate, even before all the reports had come in. When the head of the South African Observer Commission declared the elections “legitimate” and brushed aside the widespread murder, violence, abduction and torture of observers and massive irregularities, he was jeered by journalists and diplomats alike. When questioned about the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of voters in Zimbabwe, the ANC official dismissed it as “an administrative oversight!” Journalists laughed out loud, stood up and walked out in disgust.
It is evident that this blind support for Mugabe is inspired, in large part, by racial prejudice. Despite Mugabe engineering one of the most “spectacular economic collapses in history” with his national suicide of Zimbabwe, all too many black political leaders support him - irrespective of the lawlessness and savagery afflicting the population of Zimbabwe.
This racism and hypocrisy was also evident at the UN World Summit hosted in South Africa. Even while Mugabe's supporters were slaughtering endangered wildlife and destroying huge forests and game reserves in Zimbabwe, Mugabe was being applauded as a key note speaker at the World Summit on Sustainable Development! Some of the greatest game reserves in Africa have been in Zimbabwe. Now many of these wildlife sanctuaries are scenes of unprecedented slaughter. Along with the wholesale poaching, marxist mobs have been engaged in wholesale theft, abductions and murder. Properties have been burned out, tourists have been chased out of safari camps and game rangers have been assaulted and even killed.
Under Mugabe even judges have been assaulted by mobs in their chambers in court, journalists and editors have been arrested and tortured, pastors have been arrested for praying for peace and justice, and the only independent daily newspaper and radio station in Zimbabwe have been blown up.
How can anybody in the ANC ever again speak against the racial discrimination of “apartheid South Africa”, when they have instituted their own racial discrimination through affirmative action in South Africa and are so enthusiastically supportive of Robert Mugabe's vicious racism in Zimbabwe?
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