Every day in the past year, 40 families have been attacked by robbers in their homes.
And the three hours between midnight and 03:00 is the time that robbers prefer to strike.
About 32% of all robberies countrywide occur after midnight.
According to a report by the South African Police Services (SAPS), homeowners should be on the alert also for robbers between 21:00 and 23:59 because 23% of robberies occurred during this time.
Source 40 families attacked every day
As if 'go to sleep early to save electricity and get cleverer' wasn't insult enough, even cleverer advice from the SAPS to homeowners 'be alert between 9 - 12' and 'be also alert between midnight and 3a.m.' to make sure you and your family don't get attacked, robbed, murdered..... The mind boggles.

The government has drawn strong criticism over the figures, which it releases only once a year, with many parties and experts accusing the state of manipulating the statistics to suit its agendas.
However at this morning's press briefing, Safety and Security spokesperson Sizwe Corleone-Selebi defended the government's methods, saying that crime statistics were compiled in strict accordance with the latest cutting-edge astrological charts, factoring in data gleaned from the entrails of a sacrificial goose, combined with the prevailing body temperature of Jacob Zuma.
According to Corleone-Selebi, last year had seen a marked decrease in certain contact crimes, including dwarf-tossing, water-balloon throwing, and bear-bating.
Everything else was up or unchanged.
However he dismissed suggestions that South Africa's murder rate was out of control, saying that South Africans had become "morbidly obsessed with the negative aspects of homicide".
"We aren't denying that 18,000 South Africans are murdered every year," he said.
"But the thing that everyone is refusing to see is that while 18,000 citizens are murdered each year, over 47 million citizens aren't murdered each year.
"If you look at it holistically, the future is very bright indeed. Except, obviously, for the 18,000 people who are going to be murdered in 2009.
"But for the rest of us, it's really coming up roses."
He apologized to journalists for not being able to show them the raw data used to compile the statistics, saying that the relevant filing cabinet had been stolen by thieves dressed in police uniforms, carrying police firearms, and drawing police salaries.
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