Most of South Africa's remaining commercial farmers are being driven off their land by a combination of ANC-landrights laws and the armed attacks on farmers, in which some 3,000 farmers have been murdered, since the ANC came to power.
Already the country has no agricultural land left in the legal sense -- since all agricultural land now falls under the jurisdiction of municipal boundaries countrywide. In 1994 when SA still exported agricultural products on a massive scale, it had 85,000 farmers using less than 7% of the total land surface. At the moment, less than 10,000 commercial farmers remain, raising crops on less than 0.75% of the total land surface. The country is now facing serious food shortages for the first time in its entire recorded agricultural history since the mid-1600's.
Graphic pictures of farm murders in South Africa ~ some of the people mentioned in this video were blind, the oldest was a woman of 93, the youngest a baby of 6 months.
South Africa's farmers and their families live in a constant state of siege... some 3,000 agriculturalists, their workers and kin have been killed since 1994 on SA farms -- yet they are the country's food-producers: producing 85% of all of SA maize crops to feed its 47-million citizens and 5-million refugees... . While US secretary of state Condoleeza Rice is urging people to grow more crops, South Africans are murdering their farmers instead.
With only 10,000 commercial farmers remaining to raise excess-food on only 0,75% of South Africa's TOTAL land for growing commercial crops, (CIA stats)
South Africa is now facing chronic famine conditions...This map of the Johannesburg region shows the number of armed attacks against residents of agricultural holdings around greater-Johannesburg thus far this year. In the "Cradle-of-Mankind" valley around Kromdraai alone, 89 farm attacks and 140+ break-ins have occurred this year, which were never reported to the news media.
An average of 32,000 violent deaths a year are officially recorded in South Africa - but the government severely censors crime statistics -- and the actual death rate could be twice the annual 32,000 recorded average. The most-at-risk-of-murder group in the entire world are South African land owners, who are being slaughtered, often after several hours of cruel torture, at the rate of 313 per 100,000 - four times the national average for other minorities and 100% more than the death rate in warzone Iraq. South Africa's citizens are living in a secret, undeclared war - especially its privately-owned agricultural sector is being terrorised out of existence.
South Africa has the highest recorded per capita murder rate in the world, whites, in particular, are being culled like springbok in a hunting safari. More people are murdered in one week under African rule than did die violently over roughly four decades of Afrikaner governance. South Africa is now as violent as Iraq, Liberia, or the Congo.
So violent is the “free” South Africa that, for a period, the freewheeling African National Congress government imposed an official blackout on national crime statistics. It now releases them once yearly.
The SA Police Crime Statistics - recently updated to March 2007 on their website:
The rest of this horror story can be read on these official statistics
Click here for the Police stats in PDF format:
NOTE: They hide the actual murders by splitting them into different categories - they show total murders, plus... way down the list they show the culpible homicides
When taken together, the official number is huge - over 32,000 murders per annum. The USA by comparison, with 6 times our population, only has 16,000 murders per annum.
As ghastly as the official figures are, they’re most probably doctored. Interpol have South African murder statistics that are roughly double the official South African state statistics, while the South African Medical Research Council claims there are approximately a third more murders in South Africa than the official police statistics reveal.
Genocide - "Us And Them"
Dr. Gregory H. Stanton heads Genocide Watch. He says the slaughter of some 3000 Boers is genocide. The rates at which the farmers are being eliminated, the torture and dehumanization involved—all point to systematic extermination.
“Genocide is always organized, usually by the state,” Stanton has written on Genocide Watch’s website. Indeed, according to Sky News, the farmers believe “these attacks are an orchestrated, government sanctioned attempt to purge South Africa of white land owners, as has already happened in Zimbabwe.”
That certainly would explain why the ANC plans to dismantle the Commando System, a private Afrikaner militia that has existed since the 1770s, and is the only defense at the farmers’ disposal. More damning—and contrary to the pro-forma denials issued by the ANC’s oleaginous officials—The Daily Mail reported in February 2006, that the government is dead-set-on forcibly seizing the land of thousands of farmers. By the year 2014, a third of the Boers’ property will have been given to blacks.
S.African Farm Murders: Who is actually behind them?
Here is another piece of hard evidence uncovered concerning Farm Murders and what was told by someone senior in one of the few remaining Commando Units (volunteer groups who protect the rural areas).
He said there is talk about "communism" being behind the farm murders. There is also a whole "underground crime organisation" that may be linked to farm murders and all these things may work together.
However, he said there is "talk" that three particular people connected to the ANC are actually the driving force behind the farm murders.
The three names the informant said he has heard people talk of are:-
1. Jacob Zuma (former Deputy President that Mbeki fired but whom the commies love and who will try to stand for President in 2009).
2. Jackie Selebi - the man who heads our national Police force. (In recent months the Mass Media has been bringing up hard evidence showing Jackie Selebi's connections to organised crime).
3. Mosiuoa 'Terror' Lekota - the Minister of Defense here in S.Africa. (Interestingly, shortly before his death P.W. Botha also mentioned that he thinks Lekota is a very dangerous man. He did not elaborate on what made him think that. The media love him, but PW had another view of him).
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