I. Want. My. Country. BACK!

I want my country back.

I will not stop saying that for the next four years.

I want my country BACK.

See, I still believe in the Republic. But the Republic has been stolen from us on November 4th, 2008 by a peaceful Coup d’état. It was stolen from us largely because the opposition, the Republican Party, ran a lousy campaign. While I don’t believe in Nostradamus, it is funny that he wrote in one of his quatraines about a “dottering old man”. And that’s what John McCain was. That was the most pathetic, that was the most inept, that was the most inane presidential campaign that was ever run in this country.

This campaign was so important because we are at such a crucial time in this country’s history. This is an America who sees itself on the defensive on a dozen fronts - on the verge of complete victory in Iraq, getting ready to whollop the Taliban in Afghanistan, with threats from a resurgent Mother Russia. Then this Coup d’état was pulled on this country and now the White House is being occupied. We have a Foreign Occupation Government at this point. This man is not a citizen of this country, he is a Communist, and the greatest charlatan in the history of the United States of America.

How John McCain ran his campaign - I don’t even know what to call it! How do you run against your own president? How do you run against your own party? That’s why this schmuck lost! There was no enthusiasim for him, that was destroyed when he ran against George W. Bush and lost in the 2000 primaries. I still have the tapes of when we were discussing that on The Right Perspective. McCain could have said, “you know, my president has made a lot of mistakes…” and he has! You can’t be enthusiastic about Bush because of a number of things; what he did with illegal immigration, the way he attacked the Republican base that fought him over the issue, the way Bush spent like a drunken sailor, and several other things. But McCain could have, instead of distancing himself from his own party, this idiot could have said, “look, this is my president, that’s the party I belong to, I’m going to stay loyal to him and these are the accomplishments that he had”. And McCain could have named all the Democrats that are truly responsible for the financial chaos that we are in. But instead, all we got was that stupid pathetic line, “he’s a Maverick”. What the hell is that crap?!?!?! Did he have anything of substance? “He’s reaching across the aisle”. Oh, he reached across the aisle alright - and they slapped him across the face! And if somebody’s going to run against their own party, and they’re going to “reach across the aisle” then why the hell do I have to vote for him? I’ll vote for the other guy! It sounded like both parties were in cahoots, so all you have now is a Mega-Party, a Mono-cracy, not a Democracy. And it was used to bring this Coup d’état and this Foreign Occupation Government into Washington.

So why should have anyone voted for McCain? “He’s a Maverick“. What is he? No, he’s a selfish old bastard who did not want to campaign as a conservative, as a real Republican, but rather as a schmuck! He had Joe Lieberman. What is this? This was not an advertisement to vote for McCain, this was not an advertisement for choice. All he kept saying was change!

You know, I told a guy who used to do the show with us, “Nobody remembers the guy who flew the Atlantic second”. And McCain was not original. He was the guy who flew the Atlantic second! Oh, we’re going to have change with John McCain - the guy was just parroting what the foreign occupier that sits in the White House said! He didn’t come out with anything different!

Barry Goldwater was buried in a landslide by Johnson because the Ministry of Lies buried him. This is nothing new that the Ministry of Lies is liberal, that they always endorse the Democrat Party candidate. But at least Goldwater said, “A Choice, Not An Echo“. McCain said, “An Echo, Not A Choice!” - That should have been his campaign slogan! He should have said, “I’m just going to repeat what this Foreign Occupation says!” and that’s what he did! McCain did not give Americans a choice. He’s a Maverick - that was corny, that was inept, that was maybe good for the night of the inauguration in his party. That’s all it was good for.

So what we just saw was a brilliant Coup d’état and coupled with a shambles of a campaign. If I was him I would have come to the debate with my birth certificate and waved it front of him and said, “you know what, Junior Senator? I got a birth certificate. Where’s yours”? And you don’t have to give a damn what the Minstry of Lies said. Facts are facts and you put that doubt in people’s mind and people would have known this Foreign Occupier is not a United States citizen.

There were so many things John McCain could have done but he didn’t. He literally gave this country away because he could have easily destroyed him very early in the campaign. But instead, he chose to be an echo, not a choice.

Obama and the Left-Wing Coup

An Echo, Not A Choice


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