Watch this before its pulled.

An Obama regiment marching around in cammies in paramilitary fashion chanting like boot camp Marines videotaped last year in Kansas City, Missouri. (Note: the same state where prosecutors and cops went after people who dared say anything negative about the Anointed One.)

Here's what Captain Ed Morrissey had to say about this video: There is some difference between having 5-12 year olds singing about Barack Obama and this group, which appears old enough to start forming their own opinions on politics. The quasi-military marching disturbs some, but as Jonah Goldberg notes, there is a tradition of this in black fraternities. The Sing for Change video is clearly an exploitation of children for political indoctrination on behalf of the parents involved.

From the description of this video on YouTube: I called and spoke to Bernard [at the Colburn School in Kansas City], who said he was the assistant Dean. He was very gentlemanly and when I voiced my concerns about the video, he told me that this was taken at the school last year when Obama was beginning his campaign. He assured me that they stopped this regiment because they felt the person who was organizing it was pushing his political agenda. Duh. He assured me that he didnt know it was on YouTube. I gave him the link to where to go for this video and when he found it he said, Oh this is not good. I had no idea I told him Id take his word for it. He then asked me, nicely, whats the main concern? Because I want to understand where youre coming from so that I can figure out how to handle this. Nicely, I told him that the video looked militant. I told him about the Colburn School video and how it resembles propaganda films from Communist dictatorships. I told him that the US military is frowned upon for going to high schools trying to recruit potential grads into joining their ranks. Why shouldnt we frown upon those who come to a school like yours to encourage kids to worship a politician? One who is not even a president. I also said that if this was done to make kids feel better about themselves, why do it in the name of Obama? Why not encourage kids to believe in the power of themselves? He assured me that he would get to the bottom of the situation, thanked me for my call and we hung up. We in America and Around the World should not idolize our politicians.

Idolization is one thing, parading kids around in Nazi Youth fashion in paramilitary gear is quite another. As Webster Tarpley has noted, Obamas mass following has all the elements of a bottom-up fascist movement. Hitlers brownshirts were also fond of pseudo-military titles.

Is it possible this paramilitary display is an isolated incident or can we expect more of the same after Obama is elected? Recall Obamas speech on July 2 in Colorado Springs. We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives weve set. Weve got to have a civilian national security force thats just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded, the candidate declared. If were going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isnt this rather a big deal? asked WorldNetDaily.

Indeed, it is a big deal, especially if this proposed national security force will be comprised of brainwashed kids who are told by their militant elders that any disagreement with Obama is a punishable offense, as it apparently was in Missouri.

In Germany and Italy this sort of opposition to the cult of personality leader resulted in the opposition either dead or rounded up and put in concentration camps.

The Sing for Change -
Fuhrer Obama - Grant Park, Chicago - Hitler Youth


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