Suggesting that ‘white’ people could possibly be on the receiving end of discrimination, hate, torture and even murder by people of ‘color’ is sure to bring out the negative comments. But this is something you must read about AND something you must see. I have included a video that will give you an idea of what is going on. I urge you to watch it. I hope that you will be informed, educated a little bit, and challenged to find out more. As one person put it:

People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western world. [snip] Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for events in America reveal trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our country.

Here's the warning, read and be aware:

What will happen is that Western structures in America will be either destroyed from without, or transformed from within, … Once power is in the hands of aliens, don’t expect loyalty or devotion to principle from those whose jobs are at stake.Once you lose social, cultural, and political dominance, there is no getting it back again.

Unfortunately, your habits and values work against you. You cannot fight terror and street mobs with letters to your Congressmen. You cannot fight accusations of racism with prayer meetings. You cannot appeal to the goodness of your fellow man when the fellow man despises you for your weaknesses and hacks off the arms and legs of his political opponents. …

… Above all, don’t put yourselves to the test of fighting only when your backs are against the wall. You will probably fail.

Millions around the world want your good life. But make no mistake: They care not for the high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and your Constitution. …

And they already know that their allies among you, the “human rights activists,” the skillful lawyers and the left-wing politicians will fight for them, and not for you. They will exploit your compassion and your Christian charity, and your good will.

They have studied you, Mr. and Mrs. America, and they know your weaknesses well.

They know what to do.

Do you?

Source: To survive, Americans must never lose the power they now enjoy


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