Within hours of his inauguration, President Barack Hussein Obama issued executive orders closing Gitmo, the CIA's secret prison network and suspended military tribunals.
President Obama freely admits he has no clue what to do about the 250 inmates now housed there, but he's given his staff a year to come up with an answer.
He's only been in office a matter of hours and he's already hamstrung his own administration. What about future threats? The day before Obama took the oath of office, British newspapers reported the deaths of up to 40 terrorists in Algeria from the "Black Death" – the Plague.
The London Sun reported that the terrorists died "horribly" at a forest training camp in Algeria. The terrorists were members of AQLIM, al-Qaida in the Land of Maghreb, whom the Sun identified as the largest and most powerful al-Qaida group outside the Middle East.
Somewhat cheerfully, the paper noted that al-Qaida chiefs are worried that the Plague might have infected other terrorist cells.
On a less cheery note is the possibility that the disease was passed on in weaponized form to other cells, or worse. Bubonic Plague is spread by bites from infected rat fleas. On the other hand, the Pneumonic Plague is more dangerous because it is an airborne bacterium that is spread like the flu.
The fact that these terrorists all died from Pneumonic Plague is therefore even more significant and terrifying. Terrorists infected by Pneumonic Plague would be infectious for a week or more before symptoms begin to show.Symptoms include boils in the groin, neck and armpits, which can be concealed by a person's clothing. The fact that we know al-Qaida has within its ranks terrorists willing to infect themselves and die an agonizing death to cause the death of hundreds of thousands of infidel Westerners should cause even the liberals to reflect on their naïve handling of Gitmo. Gitmo held securely exactly the kind of Islamic fanatics that would volunteer for such a mission. Two hundred fifty of these suicidal maniacs for Allah are now about to be positioned for soon release.
The new administration has just committed itself either to releasing or finding somewhere to house hundreds of terrorists even as U.S. forces continue to take new prisoners. What happens with all of them?
Politically, this exposes the naiveté of the incoming administration. The policies that the new administration is now axing are the same ones that kept the nation safe from attacks on our shores since 2001.
What if a newly released Gitmo detainee managed to successfully attack the U.S. again? One would think that the president's advisers might have thought all the implications through. But if they had, they wouldn't have recommended closing Gitmo first – without any workable plan to prevent the release of these unrepentant, self-confessed terrorists afterwards. These released terrorists will almost certainly lead the charge on future deadly attacks against Americans.
In the light of this first executive order, I think it's going to be an interesting four years – assuming we survive it.
Deadliest weapon so far... the plague
ANTI-TERROR bosses last night hailed their latest ally in the war on terror — the BLACK DEATH.At least 40 al-Qaeda fanatics died horribly after being struck down with the disease that devastated Europe in the Middle Ages.
The killer bug, also known as the plague, swept through insurgents training at a forest camp in Algeria, North Africa. It came to light when security forces found a body by a roadside.
One security source said: “This is the deadliest weapon yet in the war against terror.
THE al-Qaeda cell wiped out by Black Death may have infected ITSELF while developing biological weapons, it emerged last night.
The terrorists planned to wreak havoc on Western targets but fell victims to their own weapon, a leading expert on chemical warfare believes.
Black Death HAS been researched as a biological weapon before.
And al-Qaeda boss Osama bin Laden’s fanatics were experimenting with anthrax in Afghanistan in 2001.
Last year it was revealed 100 suspected terrorists tried to become students in Britain, giving them access to labs.
In 2006 a plot to poison London’s water was unmasked.
Ian Kearns, of the Institute for Public Policy Research, said: “The biological weapons threat is not going away. We’re not ready for it.”
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