少年四大名捕 The Four

Synopsis (Credits: TVB)
Bold and heroic, this series will become a wuxia classic on Jade channel. Using the political decline of Northern Song dynasty as the background, this is the story of the Four Great Constable upholding justice while punishing the wicked. With the addition of impressive fighting choreography, it will be an exciting visual experience for audiences.

Toward the end of Northern Song dynasty, the outlaws are amok and citizens lived in a difficult state. Master Chu Kot (Dominic Lam) who was assigned to the justice department hopes to re-establish the law and order in the country. However, evil minister Choi Ging (Lau Kong) is in power and repressed Master Chu Kot for many years, unable to carry out his ideals. Afterward Master Chu Kot solved a serial killing case and manage to impress Emperor Qinzong who consent him in taking charge of the justice department. Under Master Chu Kot diligent effort, the justice department gathered a lot of talents. Among them Lang Huet (Ron Ng as Cold Blooded), Tit Sau (Kenneth Ma as Iron Hand), Zhui Ming (Sammul Chan as Life Snatcher) and Mou Qing (Raymond Lam as Emotionless Cripple) combined as the Four Great Constable. They are strict and impartial, seeking justice on behalf of the citizens and even discovered the secret plot of evil minister Choi Ging planning to usurp the throne! The huge responsibility of the country now falls on The Four Great Constable.

北宋徽宗年間,“鎮遠大將軍”凌落石與當朝奸相蔡京相互勾結,朋比為奸,致使朝綱敗壞,國勢日衰。身兼武林“大聯盟”副盟主的凌落石,更因覬覦武林盟主寶座,而趁盟主“冷悔善”過壽時,將其殺害,取而代之,冷悔善襁褓中的幼子“冷血”僥倖死裡逃生,並為太傅諸葛神侯收養於狼窟中長大,諸葛神侯為對抗武功高強、陰險狠毒的凌落石,除個別傳授冷血武功,亦同時培養另外三位極具資質潛力的血氣青年追命、無情、鐵手分別授與武功有成後,以分進合擊方式,展開連串刺殺凌落石之艱鉅任務。諸葛神侯的四位弟子中,大師兄無情,雙腿殘疾,但足智多謀,除長於卜卦,並善使輪椅神功,為蒐集凌落石罪狀,不惜割捨諸葛神侯義女│ 諸葛青青一片深情,藉凌落石兒女│凌小刀、凌小骨西席身份為掩護,潛伏在凌落石身邊,伺機剷除凌落石。老二鐵手,曾為捕頭,練就一身好拳,打遍天下無敵手。但因早年與諸葛青青訂有婚約,卻為成全諸葛青青與無情的愛情而暗自痛苦。老三追命,長於輕功,個性雖玩世不恭,卻對已逝的小透,有著一段段刻骨銘心的傷痛往事,因此寄情於與小透長相神似的舒動人,拒絕諸葛青青表妹花代珍的百般追求。老么冷血因受命刺殺凌落石而與凌落石掌上明珠│凌小刀結識,進而與諸葛青青、無情四位男女間產生了一段恩怨情仇與愛恨糾葛。幾經周折,冷血雖發覺殺父仇人凌落石,竟是自己親生父親,而矛盾於親仇之間,難以抉擇,但終在九死一生下,四人聯手鏟姦除惡達成任務,皇上論功行賞,御封四人為“神捕”。

Thanks and credits to ASTRO


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