Warning: This is an extremely graphic video taken by forensic pathologists following the slaughter of an entire family in South Africa. We do not recommend this video to anyone under the age of eighteen. Although the content of the video is extremely graphic, we want to remind you that our purpose for putting it on our site is to heighten your awareness to the continuing slaughter of human beings in South Africa - these murders were part of the program of genocide occurring in South Africa. There was no known motive for these murders other than hate.

Since the ANC became the ruling party in South Africa somewhere between 2000 and 3000
farmers have been slaughtered. Thus far the ANC's response to this genocide has been anemic; in fact, the ANC's indifference to these tragic murders has been indifference - an indifference that could easily be interpreted as a silent endorsement. The heinous nature of the murders of the boer farmers is beyond description. Given the fact that these murders rarely include theft or robbery as their motive one is left to ask this: If there is a purpose in the senseless slaughter of human beings it is impossible to discern in the mutilated bodies of innocent boer farmers. There is much more to this matter than the motive of theft or personal, financial gain. These murders are motivated by rage and hatred.

WE urge you to join this petition which will be forwarded to ruling members of the ANC in addition to the UN, WHO and virtually every other major government in the world. According to Genocide Watch the boers are currently on stage six of the eight stages of Genocide - stage seven is extermination.
Link: Murder in South Africa

Consider this:

By acknowledging your agreement with this petition, you will be saving lives.

Has there been a time in your life when so little effort meant so much?
Please help us stop the madness. Sign the Petition Here


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