Directed by Gordon Chan
Starring Donnie Yen
Chen Kun
Zhao Wei
Zhou Xun
Release date(s) September 26, 2008
Running time 115 min.
Country: China
Language Mandarin

Though the story is based mainly on a supernatural premise, it is more of a love story rather than a ghost/horror film. It is based on Pu Songling's classic novel, Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Zhou Xun starrs a Xiao Wei, a huli jing that feasts on human hearts in order to maintain her lovely, youthful appearance. When General Wang Sheng (Chen Kun) 'rescues' her from a band of bandits and brings her home, trouble brews as the demon falls in love with the general, who is married to Pei Rong (Zhao Wei).

Another (older) love triangle is present, between the general's brother Pang Yong (Donnie Yen), 'the general and his wife. Pei Rong asks Pang Yong for help as she suspects Xiao Wei for what she really is. Pang Yong is aided by an inexperienced 'demon buster', Xia Bing (Betty Sun). Hints of a developing relationship between Xia Bing and Pang Yong are there, although this is never really explored. Another subplot revolves around Xiao Wei's lizard demon ally (Qi Yuwu) who has unreciprocated feelings for her and helps her get all the human hearts she needs.


片名: 画皮

导演: 陈嘉上

主演: 甄子丹 饰 庞勇

    周迅 饰 小唯

    陈坤 饰 王生

    赵薇 饰 佩容

    孙俪 饰 夏冰

    戚玉武 饰 小易

类型: 魔幻/爱情



  王家军前统领庞勇武功高强,曾与王生、佩容情同手足,并暗恋佩容。后佩容嫁给王生,庞勇悲情辞官出走成为流浪侠士。佩容发现小唯爱恋自己的丈夫,并觉察到她不是常人,于是暗中求助庞勇求他救助王生。庞勇在酒肆邂逅冰清玉洁的降魔者夏冰,二人碰出火花…… 庞勇外表洒脱不羁,内在胸襟博大,是一位隐匿江湖的真心英雄。他的到来打乱了“九霄美狐”计划,并使其陷入深深的不安之中。在庞勇的明察暗访下,“九霄美狐”的身份逐渐暴露。

  自此,一场人妖之间,人伦之间 ,纯情男女之间,兄弟之间,妖魔之间错综复杂的诱惑、抗争、情仇、生死大战在看似平稳的外表下徐徐拉开。以庞勇为首的正义力量以凤凰涅磐般的惨烈生死代价,演绎了一场荡气回肠的生命赞歌,结局出人意料……


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